Recursive-dynamic multi-regional CGE modelling

Material for self-learning phase

The aim of the self-learning phase is to ensure that all studends have a solid understanding of the basics of CGE modelling,
with a focus on the GTAP model and data base. This side lists some useful resources to gain or refresh this knowledge.

Basics of CGE Modelling

The following slides/videos by W. Britz use similar or identical mnemonics as CGEBox. They are taken from a master class taught at Bonn University:

A 93 book chapter by Wing and Ballistreri:

Slides/PDFs by Scott McDonald on selected aspects of CGE modelling and underlying theory:

Note: Technical implementation in GLOBE/STAGE is different than in CGEBox. GLOBE (as a multi-regional CGE) differs in some aspects from GTAP Standard.

YouTube resources:

Note: especially the technical implementation of the presented model might be pretty different from CGEBox.

New trade theory

The following links might be useful in the context of day 4 where the Melitz model will be used by one of the groups:

GTAP model and GTAP Data base

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