Recursive-dynamic multi-regional CGE modelling
Useful links
The following links represent a more or less ad-hoc collection of interesting papers, web pages etc. related to the course.
- CGEBox, home page
- CGEBox, documentation
- CGEBox, training videos
- Van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2018, GTAP in GAMS, Version 7, Journal of Global Economic Analysis 3(2018), No1. pages 1-81, provides the methodological documentation of the GTAP standard Model in GAMS in mathematical notation as the core base of CGEBox. It compares also some technical aspects with a GEMPACK implemenation. For an equation by an equation documentation of the actual GAMS code, refer to the full model documentation.
- GAMS Homepage
- GTAP Homepage
- Horridge, M., Meeraus, A., Pearson, K., & Rutherford, T. F. (2013). Solution software for computable general equilibrium modeling. In Handbook of computable general equilibrium modeling (Vol. 1, pp. 1331-1381). Elsevie
- Corong, E. L., Hertel, T. W., McDougall, R., Tsigas, M. E., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2017). The standard GTAP model, version 7. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 2(1), 1-119
- Aguiar, A., Chepeliev, M., Corong, E., McDougall, R., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2019). The GTAP Data Base: Version 10. J Global Econ Anal 4 (1): 1-27
Different CGE models (HTML Pages or papers/model documentation)
Multi-regional CGEs, typically closely linked to GTAP:
Single country CGEs:
CGE critique
You might want to read these papers if you become too impressed with CGE models (before, during or after the course):
- Debunking the Myths of Computable General Equilibrium Models, SCEPA Working Paper 2008-1
- Scrieciu, S. S. (2007). The inherent dangers of using computable general equilibrium models as a single integrated modelling framework for sustainability impact assessment. A critical note on Boehringer and Loeschel (2006). Ecological Economics, 60(4), 678-684
- McKitrick, R. R. (1998). The econometric critique of computable general equilibrium modeling: the role of functional forms. Economic modelling, 15(4), 543-573
- Grassini, M. (2007). Grassini, M. (2009). Rowing along the computable general equilibrium modelling mainstream. Studi e Note Economicia, XII(3), 315-343