Universität Bonn

Alumni stories

Felix Rössing

Nationality: German

Year of Graduation: 2021

MSc thesis
Assessing the Eco-Efficiency of Conventional and Conservation Farming in Germany

© Uni Bonn

Please tell us about your AFECO experience  and its benefits to your development

I took the AFECO in 4 semesters at the University of Bonn. I did a major in environmental economics and a minor in agro-economic modelling. I always worked at the university and tried to combine my work at the institute with my studies. By choosing a major and minor, I was able to focus on the modules and topics that I was most interested in. So I became reasonably good at these subjects which helped me in my job search.

What is your current occupation?

Currently, I work for the “Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V.” (KTBL) (Board of Trustees for Technology and Construction in Agriculture). The KTBL is an independent association that works on many relevant topics of agriculture in its office and in cooperation with a large honorary staff and publishes project results in the form of data collections. One of the most important tasks of the KTBL is the calculation of agri-environment-climate measures. My current task is to support the demand for sustainable agriculture, taking into account the motto of public money for public services. Specifically, I am working on how sustainability can be described in terms of by-products of agricultural production, so-called sustainability goods. The goal is to create the basis for a regionalized market for sustainability goods. Furthermore, I am in close cooperation with the Thünen Institute, which is responsible for the extension of the Farm Accountancy Data Network to a Farm Sustainability Data Network.

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