Universität Bonn


Programme structure

AFEPA Programme - Mobility, Courses and Dates

Study Plan

The AFEPA Master's programme is a 120 ECTS programme. Our students study a minimum of two semesters at a first main partner university and another two semesters at a second main partner university including Master thesis. All our students participate in two joint summer schools organized by main partner universities.

AFEPA Partners

AFEPA students spend their two academic years in the programme at  main partner universities at which the second year is different from first year university.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Academic Calendar

The AFEPA academic year generally lasts from September 1 until August 31 of the following year but varies according to the academic calendar of the individual partner university. 

Mobility tracks

All four main partner universities in the programme can be first-year and second-year universities. You are free to choose your first-year university based on your academic interest. First-year students will be asked in December of their first year to voice their preference for their second year.

The ultimate decision is made by the AFEPA consortium considering the universities’ minimum requirements with regard to ECTS in economics, student’s academic performance, its research interests and a fairly even distribution of students among partner universities in addition to the student’s preference. 

What you can learn

AFEPA Study Plan

The AFEPA Master’s programme is a two-year programme with 120 ECTS credits consisting of two study periods at two main partner universities. English is the teaching language at all main partner universities.

The study programme consists of:

  • Mandatory courses in microeconomic theory and quantitative methods - 30 ECTS
  • Optional courses in thematic fields - 54 ECTS (optional courses may form a major of 30 ECTS in a thematic field)
  • Master Thesis - 30 ECTS
  • An internship between or during the first or second year may be taken for a 6 to 15 ECTS depending on the partner university
  • Summer School - 6 ECTS
Thematic fields

Associated Academic Partners

Students can spend a shorter exchange study period (one quarter) for writing their thesis as part of their second academic year at an associated academic partner. The Master thesis topic needs to be in correspondence with the second year university if an associated academic partner is involved.

Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago, Chile

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya  in Barcelona, Spain

African Economic Research Consortium in Nairobi, Kenya



AFEPA Coordination Office

University of Bonn
Institute for Food and Resource Economics
Nussallee 21
D-53115 Bonn

Email: Info@afepa.eu

All partners
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