Bonn Wageningen Cooperation


Students who are interested in the Double Degree programme should contact the DD-coordinator of their home university.

Double Degree study plan for Bonn students:

1st year Bonn course work:

  • Compulsory modules (30 credits):

Extended Methods of Empirical Research, Microeconomics, Organisational Management, Risk Management in Agribusiness, Excursion in Agricultural and Food Economics

  • Electives (30 credits) including one seminar

2nd year Wageningen course work:

  • Academic Consultancy Training (ACT) (9 credits)
  • Philosophy and Ethics of Management, Economics and Consumer Behaviour or Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability (6 credits)
  • Modular Skills Training (MOS) modules (3 credits)
  • Common Specialization course (6 credits)
  • Advanced disciplinary master course (6 credits)
  • Jointly supervised Master thesis (30 credits)

More information on the courses and programme structure can be found here3.

For funding opportunities please contact ERASMUS office of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences4.

Double Degree study plan for Wageningen students:

 1st year Wageningen course work:

  • 2 common MME courses (12 credits)

Philosophy and Ethics of Management, Economics and Consumer Behaviour, Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability

  • Academic Consultancy Training (ACT) (9 credits)
  • Modular Skills Training (MOS) modules (3 credits)
  • 2 Common Specialization Courses (12 credits)
  • 1 Advanced Disciplinary Course (6 credits)
  • 3 Free Optional Master Courses (18 credits)

2nd year Bonn course work:

  • Research Seminar (6 credits)
  • Electives and Compulsory Modules (selection depending on the Master courses taken at WUR and decided in a consultancy meeting with the study coordinator) (24 credits)
  • Jointly supervised Master thesis (30 credits)

More information on the courses and programme structure can be found here5.

Required courses at the host university are being offered in English.

Study Contacts in Bonn

Dr. Nicolas Gerber
Phone: +49 (0)228 73-3036

Study Contacts in Wageningen

Sietse Sterrenburg
Phone: +31317482958

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