Veröffentlichungen (peer-reviewed)
Bach, L., Weingarten, N., Meyer, K.B., Yeh, C.-H., Dolgopolova, I., Wang, W.-X., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2024): Der virtuelle Supermarkt als innovative Forschungsinfrastruktur: Experiment zur Erhöhung der Salienz für Fleischprodukte mit höherem Haltungsstandard. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. Link.
Feisthauer, P., Hartmann, M., Börner, J. (2024): Behavioral factors driving farmers' intentions to adopt spot spraying for sustainable weed control. Journal of Environmental Management, 353, 120218. Link.
Feisthauer, P., Hartmann, M., Börner, J. (2024): Adoption intentions of smart weeding technologies - a lab-in-the-field experiment with German crop farmers. Q Open, qoae002. Link.
Landwehr, S.C., Hartmann, M. (2024). The influence of peers on children's snack purchase decisions. Appetite, 192, 107111. Link.
Weingarten, N., Bach, L., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2024): Every step you take: Nudging animal welfare product purchases in a virtual supermarket. Appetite, 197, 107316 . Link.
Aung, M. T. T., Dürr, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., & Borgemeister, C. (2023). Predicting consumers’ intention towards entomophagy using an extended theory of planned behavior: evidence from Myanmar. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. Link.
Hirsch, S., Petersen, T., Koppenberg, M., & Hartmann, M. (2023). CSR and firm profitability: Evidence from a meta‐regression analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 37(3), 993-1032. Link.
Klink-Lehmann, J.,Tatic, M., Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2023). Sustainability trade-offs in animal husbandry: consumers' choice when they can't have it all. QOpen, qoad025, Link.
Landwehr, S.C.; Hartmann, M.; Cash, S.B.; Yeh, C.-H. (2023): The kids are not all the same – Heterogeneity in children’s snack purchase behavior, Food Quality and Preference, 109, 104906, Link
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): Don’t Forget the Locals: Understanding Citizens’ Acceptance of Bio-Based Technologies, Technology in Society, 74, 102318, Link.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Venghaus, S. (2023): Eco-friendly alternatives to food packed in plastics: German consumers' purchase intentions for different bio-based packaging strategies, Food Quality and Preference, 109, 104884, Link.
Myint Thu Thu, A., Klink-Lehmann, J., Dürr, J., & Borgemeister, C. (2023). Behaviour intention to eat reared crickets in Myanmar: the effects of trust, knowledge, and perceived quality. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (published online ahead of print 2023). Link.
Petersen, T., Tatic, M., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S. (2023): Meat and meat substitutes—A hedonic-pricing model for the German market. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Link.
Ploll, U., Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2023). Frame by frame, attitude by attitude - The effect of information framing in videos on consumers' acceptance of sustainable food production innovations. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 92, 102185. Link.
Yeh, C.-H. & Hirsch, S. (2023): A meta-regression analysis on the willingness-to-pay for country-of-origin labelling, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 00, 1-25, Link.
Weingarten, N., & Hartmann, M. (2023). Fifty shades of grain–Increasing whole grain consumption through daily messages. Appetite, 106608. Link.
Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2023): Let's talk about straw: the effect of information provision on consumers' attitudes towards pig husbandry systems, British Food Journal 125(5): 1840-1853, Link.
Weingarten, N., Lagerkvist, C.-J., Meraner, M., Hartmann, M. (2023): Triggering cognitive dissonance with textual information and images: Data from three experiments with meat-eaters, Data in Brief, 48, 109116, Link.
Weingarten, N., Lagerkvist, C.-J. (2023): Can images and textual information lead to meat avoidance? The mediating role of cognitive dissonance, Food Quality and Preference 104(104747), Link.
Amilien, V., Discetti, R., Lecoeur, J.-L., Roos, G., Tocco, B., Gorton, M., Biasini, B., Menozzi, D., Duboys de Labarre, M., Filipović, J., Meyer, K., Áron, T., Veljković, S., Wavresky, P., Haugrønning, V., Csillag, P., Simons, J., Ognjanov, G. (2022): European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement, Journal of Rural Studies 95: 336-349, Link.
Birkle, I., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Different and alike: Level and determinants of public acceptance of fattening pig, beef cattle and broiler farming in Germany, Meat Science, Special Issue 193(108946), Link.
Hirsch, S., Petersen, T., Koppenberg, M., Hartmann, M. (2022): CSR and firm profitability: Evidence from a meta-regression analysis, Journal of Economic Surveys: 1 - 40, Link.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Langen, N., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Jumping on the Bandwagon of Responsibility—Or Not? Consumers’ Perceived Role in the Meat Sector, Sustainability 14(10): 6295, Link.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Simons, J. (2022): German Citizens’ Perception of the Transition towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: A Glimpse into the Rheinische Revier, Sustainable Production and Consumption 31: 175-189, Link.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Piqueras-Fiszman, B., Hartmann, M. (2022): Insights into the organic labelling effect: the special case of wine, British Food Journal 124(11): 3974-3992, Link.
Marcus, N., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Exploring factors determining German consumers’ intention to eat meat alternatives, Food Quality and Preference: 104610, Link.
Menozzi, D., Yeh, C.-H., Cozzi, E., Arfini, F. (2022): Consumer Preferences for Cheese Products with Quality Labels: The Case of Parmigiano Reggiano and Comté, Animals Vol. 12(10), Link.
Ploll, U., Arato, M., Börner, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Sustainable Innovations: A Qualitative Study on Farmers’ Perceptions Driving the Diffusion of Beneficial Soil Microbes in Germany and the UK, Sustainability 14(10): 1-23, Link.
Török, A., Gorton, M., Yeh, C.-H., Czine, P., Balogh, P. (2022): Understanding Consumers’ Preferences for Protected Geographical Indications: A Choice Experiment with Hungarian Sausage Consumers, Foods Vol. 11(7), Link.
Weingarten, N., Meraner, M., Bach, L., Hartmann, M. (2022): Can information influence meat consumption behaviour? An experimental field study in the university canteen, Food Quality and Preference, 97, 104498, Link.
Diaz, A. S. L., Macheda, D., Saha, H., Ploll, U., Orine, D., Biere, A. (2021): Tackling the Context-Dependency of Microbial-Induced Resistance, Agronomy 11(7): 1293 ff., Link.
Gorton, M., Tocco, B., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2021): What determines consumers’ use of eco-labels? Taking a close look at label trust, Ecological Economics 189: 107173, Link.
Huffaker, R., Hartmann, M. (2021): Reconstructing dynamics of foodborne disease outbreaks in the US cattle market from monitoring data, Plos One 16(1), Link.
Lerro, M., Yeh, C.-H., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M., Cembalo, L. (2021): The Effect of Moderating Variables on Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Wines, Food Quality and Preference 94: 104336, Link.
Menozzi, D., Giraud, G., Saidi, M., Yeh, C.-H. (2021): Consumer choice drivers for quality-labelled food: A cross-cultural comparison on PDO cheese., Foods 10(6): 1176, Link.
Meyer, K., Simons, J. (2021): Good Attitudes Are Not Good Enough: An Ethnographical Approach to Investigate Attitude-Behavior Inconsistencies in Sustainable Choice, Foods 10(6): 1317, Link.
Petersen, T., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S. (2021): Which meat (substitute) to buy? Is Front of Package Information reliable to identify the healthier and more natural choice?, Food Quality and Preference 94: 104298, Link.
Schäfer, F. J., Feneis, B., Keller, M., Meyer, S., Simons, J., Wedekind, H. (2021): Der Fischmarkt in Deutschland im Pandemiejahr 2020 – Einfluss auf den (nationalen) Aquakultursektor und das Konsumverhalten, Zeitschrift für Fischerei 1, Artikel 8: 1-8, Link.
Simons, J., Vierboom, C., Klink-Lehmann, J., Härlen, I., Hartmann, M. (2021): Vegetarianism/Veganism: A Way to Feel Good, Sustainability 13(7): 3618, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2021): To Purchase or Not to Purchase? Drivers of Consumers’ Preferences for Animal Welfare in Their Meat Choice, Sustainability 13(16): 9100, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Gorton, M., Tocco, B., Amilien, V., Steinnes, K. K. (2021): Looking behind the choice of organic: A cross-country analysis applying Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Models, Appetite 167: 105591, Link.
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M. (2020): Industry self-regulation of food advertisement to children: Compliance versus effectiveness of the EU Pledge, Food Policy, Vol.91, Link.
Ploll, U., Petritz, H., Stern, T. (2020): A social innovation perspective on dietary transitions: Diffusion of vegetarianism and veganism in Austria, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 36: 164-176, Link.
Ploll, U., Stern, T. (2020): From diet to behaviour: exploring environmental- and animal-conscious behaviour among Austrian vegetarians and vegans, British Food Journal 122: 3249-3265, Link.
Yeh, C.-H. (2020): What Matters When Purchasing Fresh Agri-Food for Taiwanese Consumers? A Best-Worst Scaling Approach, Open Journal of Business and Management, 8(01): 135-155, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2020): The Role of Trust in Explaining Food Choice: Combining Choice Experiment and Attribute Best–Worst Scaling, Foods, 9(1), 45., Link.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Langen, N. (2019): Illuminating the ‘animal welfare’ consumer via different elicitation techniques, Meat Science 157: 107861-107876, Link.
Vo, T. M. H., Arato, M. (2019): Corporate social responsibility in a developing country context: a multi-dimensional analysis of modern food retail sector in Vietnam, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-26, Link.
Christoph-Schulz, I., Hartmann, M., Kenning, P., Luy, J., Mergenthaler, M., Reisch, L., Roosen, J., Spiller, A. (2018): SocialLab – Nutztierhaltung im Spiegel der Gesellschaft: Erste Ergebnisse und Implikationen, Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 13(2): 145-236, Link.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2018): What determines the fruit and vegetables intake of primary school children? - An analysis of personal and social determinants, Appetite 120(2018): 82-91, Link.
Haß, J., Lischetzke, T., Hartmann, M. (2018): Does the distribution frequency matter? A subgroup specific analysis of the effectiveness of the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme in Germany comparing twice and thrice weekly deliveries, Public Health Nutrition 1-13, Link.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Langen, N., Hartmann, M., Klink-Lehmann, J. (2018): Decomposing Attitudes towards Food Leftovers: Implications for General Attitude, Intention and Behavior, British Food Journal 120(11): 2498-2509, Link.
Simons, J., Luy, J., Vierboom, C., Härlen, I., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2018): Akzeptanz der Nutztierhaltung in Deutschland – Ergebnisse der psychologischen und ethischen Untersuchung von Bestimmungsfaktoren, Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 13(2): 151-156, Link.
Stern, T., Ploll, U., Spies, R., Schwarzbauer, P., Hesser, F., Ranacher, L. (2018): Understanding Perceptions of the Bioeconomy in Austria—An Explorative Case Study, Sustainability 10(11): 4142, Link.
Vo, T. M. H., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2018): Rewarding the good and penalizing the bad? Consumers’ reaction to food retailers’ conduct, British Food Journal 120(11): 2539-2553, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S. (2018): Does information on equivalence of standards direct choice? Evidence for organic labels from different countries-of-origin, Food Quality and Preference 65: 28-39, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S. (2018): Taiwanese consumer survey data for investigating the role of information on equivalence of organic standards in directing food choice. (accepted), Data in Brief, Link.
Gussek, I., Hirsch, S., Hartmann, M., Südekum, K.-H., Hummel, J. (2017): Feeding practices for captive giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Europe: a survey in EEP zoos, Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 5(1): 62-70, Link.
Hartmann, M., Cash, S., Yeh, C.-H., Landwehr, S., McAlister, A. R. (2017): Children's purchase behavior in the snack market: Can branding or lower prices motivate healthier choices?, Appetite, Link.
Janßen, D., Langen, N. (2017): The bunch of sustainability labels - Do consumers differentiate?, Journal of Cleaner Production 143: 1233-1245, Link.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S., Kanz, O., Langen, N. (2017): Determinants of Plate Leftovers in One German Catering Company, Sustainability 9(5): 807, Link.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2017): What makes people leave their food? The interaction of personal and situational factors leading to plate leftovers in canteens, Appetite 116: 45-56, Link.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Langen, N. (2017): Determinants of how individuals choose, eat and waste: Providing common ground to enhance sustainable food consumption out-of-home, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Link.
Civai, C., Hawes, D., DeYoung, C. G., Rustichini, A. (2016): Intelligence and Extraversion in the neural evaluation of delayed rewards, Journal of Research in Personality 61: 99–108, Link.
Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2016): Chocolate Brands’ Communication of CSR in Germany, The Economics of Chocolate. Oxford University Press: 247-268, Link.
Methner, S., Maschkowski, G., Hartmann, M. (2016): The European School Fruit Scheme: impact on children’s fruit and vegetable consumption in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Public Health Nutrition 20(3): 542-548, Link.
von Germeten, J.-P., Hartmann, M. (2016): Balancing Profitability with Social Consciousness: Determinants of suppliers' intensity of participation in the EU School Fruit Scheme (forthcoming), Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 14, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2016): Consumers’ Preference for Sweet Peppers with different Process Attributes: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Taiwan., International Journal on Food System Dynamics 7(4): 293-310, Link.
Goebel, C., Langen, N., Blumenthal, A., Teitscheid, P., Ritter, G. (2015): Cutting Food Waste through Cooperation along the Food Supply Chain, Sustainability 2015 7(2): 1429-1445, Link.
Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N. (2015): Global Obesity Study on Drivers for Weight Reduction Strategies, Obesity Facts, Link.
Hartmann, M., Klink, J., Simons, J. (2015): Cause related marketing in the German retail sector: Exploring the role of consumers’ trust, Food Policy 52: 108-114, Link.
Hirsch, S., Schiefer, J. (2015): What causes firm profitability variation in the EU food industry? A redux of classical approaches of variance decomposition, Agribusiness: an International Journal 32(1), Link.
Hoffmann, J., Hirsch, S., Simons, J. (2015): Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry, Papers in Regional Science, Link.
Langen, N., Goebel, C., Waskow, F. (2015): The effectiveness of advice and actions in reducing food waste, in: Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management, Volume 168, Issue 2: pages 72 – 86, Link.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2015): Impacts from Region-of-Origin Labeling on Consumer Product Perception and Purchasing Intention – Causal Relationships in a TPB based Model, Food Quality and Preference 45: 149-157, Link.
Sommer, F., Klink, J., Senkl, D., Hartmann, M. (2015): Determinants of web-based CSR disclosure in the food industry, International Journal on Food System Dynamics 6(1): 24-31, Link.
von Germeten, J.-P., Hirsch, S. (2015): Pre-sliced or Do-It-Yourself? Determinants of Schoolchildren's Acceptance of Convenience Fruits and Vegetables, Food Quality and Preference 44: 1-11, Link.
Yeh, C.-H., Lücke, F.-K., Janssen, J. (2015): Bioplastics: Acceptable for the Packaging of Organic Food? A Policy Analysis., Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 6(1): 95-105, Link.
Hirsch, S., Hartmann, M. (2014): Persistence of firm-level profitability in the European dairy processing industry, Agricultural Economics 45(S1): 53-63, Link.
Hirsch, S., Schiefer, J., Gschwandtner, A., Hartmann, M. (2014): The determinants of firm profitability differences in EU food processing., Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(3): 703-721, Link.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hecht, S., Hartmann, M. (2014): Sustainability as Sales Argument in the Fruit Juice Industry? An Analysis of On-Product Communication, International Journal on Food System Dynamics 5(3): 144-158, Link.
Maschkowski, G., Hartmann, M., Hoffmann, J. (2014): Health-related on-pack communication and nutritional value of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals evaluated against five nutrient profiling schemes, BMC Public Health 2014 14(1178), Link.
Maschkowski, G., Wanner, M. (2014): Die Transition-Town-Bewegung - Empowerment für die große Transformation?, PND-online 2(9): 60-71, Link.
Hartmann, M., Heinen, S., Melis, S., Simons, J. (2013): Consumers' Awareness of CSR in the German Pork Industry, British Food Journal 115(1): 124-141, Link.
Hirsch, S., Gschwandtner, A. (2013): Profit persistence in the food industry: evidence from five European countries, European Review of Agricultural Economics 40(5): 741-759, Link.
Klöckner, H., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2013): COO labeling as a tool for pepper differentiation in Germany: Insights into the taste perception of organic food shoppers, British Food Journal 115(8), Link.
Langen, N., Adenäuer, L. (2013): Where does the Fair Trade price premium go? - Confronting consumers' request with reality, Social Enterprise Journal 9(3), Link.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2013): Success factors of Cause-related Marketing in Germany, Agribusiness 29(2): 207-227, Link.
Mueller Loose, S., Peschel, A., Grebitus, C. (2013): Quantifying effects of convenience and product packaging on consumer preferences and market share of seafood products: The case of oysters, Food Quality and Preference 28(2): 492-504, Link.
Grebitus, C., Colson, G., Menapace, L. (2012): A comparison of hypothetical survey rankings with consumer shopping behavior and product knowledge, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 44(1): 35-47, Link.
Hartmann, M., Grebitus, C., Roosen, J. (2012): Editorial to the Special Issue 'Economics of Food Choice and Health', European Review of Agricultural Economics 39(5): 741-743, Link.
Menapace, L., Colson, G., Raffaelli, R. (2012): Risk Aversion, Subjective Beliefs, and Farmer Risk Management Strategies, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 384-389, Link.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2011): A Way to More Effective Marketing Strategies: Analyzing Dimensionality of Cognitive Structures Quantitatively, SAGE Open, August: 1-11, Link.
Grebitus, C., Menapace, L., Bruhn, M. (2011): Consumers' Use of Seals of Approval and Origin Information: Evidence From the German Pork Market, Agribusiness 27(4): 478-492, Link.
Hartmann, M. (2011): Corporate social responsibility in the food sector, European Review of Agricultural Economics 38(3): 297-324, Link.
Herzfeld, T., Drescher, L., Grebitus, C. (2011): Cross-national adoption of private food quality standards, Food Policy 36(3): 401-411, Link.
Langen, N. (2011): Are ethical consumption and charitable giving substitutes or not? 'Insights into consumers' coffee choice, Food Quality and Preferences 22(5): 412-421, Link.
Lensch, A. K., Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2011): Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Ernährungsinformation durch Framing: Analyse am Beispiel von Folsäure, German Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(3): 139-153, Link.
Menapace, L., Colson, G., Grebitus, C., Facendola, M. (2011): Consumers' preferences for geographical origin labels: evidence from the Canadian oil market, in: European Review of Agricultural Economics 38(2): 193-212, Link.
Hartmann, M. (2010): The EU School Fruit Program - a Step Towards a ‘Healthy' CAP? Forword, EuroChoices Special Issue: Five Years of Accession in the New Member States 9(2/3).
Hartmann, M. (2010): The EU School Fruit Program - a Step Towards a 'Healthy' CAP? Foreword, EuroChoices 9(2), Link.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Is there Need for more Transparency and Efficiency in Cause-related Marketing?, International Journal on Food System Dynamics 4: 366-381, Link.
Yue, C., Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M., Jensen, H. (2010): Marketing organic and conventional potatoes in Germany, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 22(1/2): 164-178, Link.
Berg, E., Hartmann, M., Heckelei, T., Holm-Müller, K., Nolten, R., Schiefer, G. (2009): Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung, Berichte über Landwirtschaft 87(3): 491-509, Link.
Drescher, L., Grebitus, C., Herzfeld, T. (2009): Spread of retailer food quality standards: A transition countries perspective, Outlook on Agriculture 38(1): 15-22, Link.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N., Leat, P., Revoredo-Giha, C., Henchion, M., Albisu, L. M., Gracia, A. (2009): Sustainability of Business Relationships in EU Agri-food Chains and Opportunities for Improvement, EuroChoices 8(3): 20-21, Link.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N., Leat, P., Revoredo-Giha, M., Henchion, M., Albisu, L. M., Gracia, A. (2009): Factors influencing contractual choice and sustainable relationships in European agri-food supply chains, European Review of Agricultural Economics 36(4): 541-569, Link.
Hartmann, M., Maschkowski, G. (2009): Increasing Children's Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Lessons from advertising, EuroChoices 8(3): 22-28, Link.
Reynolds, N., Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2009): Determinants of sustainable economic relationships in selected German agri-food chains, British Food Journal 111(8): 776-793, Link.
Simons, J., Zimmer, R., Vierboom, C., Härlen, I., Hertel, R., Böl, G.-F. (2009): The slings and arrows of communication on nanotechnology, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11(7): 1555-1571, Link.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Bavorova, M., Hockmann, H., Suvanto, H., Viitaharju, L., Leat, P., Revoredo-Giha, C., Henchion, M., McGee, C., Dybowski, G., Kobuszynska, M. (2008): Business Relationships and B2B Communication in Selected European Agrifood Chains - First Empirical Evidence, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 11(2): 73-99, Link.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2008): Analyzing semantic networks of pork quality by means of concept mapping, Food Quality and Preference 19(1): 86-96, Link.
Schiefer, J., Fischer, C. (2008): The gap between wine expert ratings and consumer preferences: Measures, determinants and marketing implications, International Journal of Wine Business Research 20(4): 335-351, Link.
Schiefer, J., Hartmann, M. (2008): Determinants of Competitive Advantage for German Food Processors, Agribusiness 24(3): 306-319, Link.
Fischer, C., Fritz, M. (2007): The role of trust in European food chains: theory and empirical findings, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 10(2): 141-163, Link.
Fischer, C., Schornberg, S. (2007): Assessing the Competitiveness Situation of EU Food and Drink Manufacturing Industries: An Index-Based Approach, Agribusiness 23(4): 473-496, Link.
Fischer, C., Schornberg, S. (2007): The competitiveness situation of the EU meat processing and beverage manufacturing sectors, Food Economics 4(3): 148-158.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2007): Acrylamid in Lebensmitteln - Ändert Risikokommunikation das Verbraucherverhalten?, in: Epp, A., Hertel, R., Böl, G.-F. (Hrsg.): BfR Wissenschaft, 1/2007.Berlin, Link.
Hartmann, M., Rudloff, B., Heckelei, T. (2007): Introduction, Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 4(1): V-VI.
Beukert, C., Simons, J. (2006): Der Markt für ökologisch erzeugte Fleischprodukte: Wachstumsimpulse durch den Aufbau einer effizienten und konsumentenorientierten Wertschöpfungskette, Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes, Link.
Fischer, C. (2006): The Complexities of Modern Food Consumption and Implications for International Food Product Marketers, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 19(1): 7-35, Link.
Fischer, C. (2004): Managing International Trade of Food Products - A Survey of German and Australian Companies, Agribusiness 20(1): 61-80, Link.
Fischer, C. (2004): The influence of immigration and international tourism on the demand for imported food products, Food Economics 1(1): 21-33, Link.
Hartmann, M., Schornberg, S. (2004): Is meat processing in Central and Eastern European New Member States competitive after EU accession?, EuroChoices 3(1): 26-31, Link.
Bongaerts, R., Giebel, A., Simons, J., Wolffram, R. (2002): Impacts of stricter standards in the EU for keeping laying hens in battery cages, World's Poultry Science Journal 58: 365-370, Link.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (2002): Financing enlargement: The case of agriculture and rural development, Intereconomics 37(2): 71-77, Link.
Wolffram, R., Simons, J., Giebel, A., Bongaerts, R. (2002): Impacts of stricter standards in the EU for keeping laying hens in battery cages, World's Poultry Science Journal 58: 365-370, Link.
Brosig, S., Hartmann, M. (.) (2001): Analysis of Food Consumption in Central and Eastern Europe: Relevance and Empirical Methods, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Kiel 13.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2001): Einfluss des Images von Bio-Produkten auf den Absatz der Erzeugnisse, Agrarwirtschaft 50(5): 286-292, Link.
Simons, J., Fauth, J., Vierboom, C. (2001): Integrating quantitative analysis methods in qualitative market research processes, Planung und Analyse, Special English Edition: 48-53.
Simons, J., Wolffram, R. (1999): Wirkungsanalyse zur EU-Agrarreform in "Agenda 2000" - ein Diskussionsbeitrag., Agrarwirtschaft 48(3/4): 167-169.
Simons, J. (1998): Verschiebung des Preisrisikos mit Hilfe von Terminkontrakten, Diskussionsbeitrag zum gleichnamigen Artikel von J.M.E. Pennings, Agrarwirtschaft 47(5): 130-131.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1997): Redefining the Roles of European Agriculture, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Special Issue 24(3-4).
Hartmann, M., Krissoff, B., Leetmaa, S. (1996): Competitiveness and Environmental Quality: The Role of Export Subsidies, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 25(2): 232-240.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1988): Die Handelseffekte der EG-Agrarreform, Wirtschaftsdienst: 477-483.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1988): EC Agricultural Reform Policy - The Beginning of a New Form of Protectionism?, Intereconomics 23(4): 151-158, Link.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1987): The Effects of the Common Agricultural Price Policy on the Third World, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 26(4): 341-354.
Rehm, B., Klink-Lehmann, J., Simons, J. (2024): Influences on alternative protein markets and acceptance – Lupin in Germany. BioSC International Summer School: Alternative Proteins Challenges and Chances. 2nd-6th September 2024, Aachen, Germany.
Rehm, B., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2024): Biostimulant preferences – What drives protein Crop farmers‘ acceptance? Flash paper presented at the 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, 5th-7th June 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Sauvagerd, M., Hartmann, M. (2024): Unlocking Agricultural Data: The Tragedy of the Anticommons in the Digital Agricultural Platform Market? Flash paper presented at the 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, 5th-7th June 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Tatic, M., Hartmann, M. (2024): Unpacking the Effects of National MCOOL Rules on Dairy Imports in the EU: A Generalized Synthetic Control Approach. Selected paper presented at the 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, 5th-7th June 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Bach, L., Hartmann, M., Weingarten, N. (2024): Two are better than one? The effect of nudging on consumers’ purchase of animal welfare products. Selected paper presented at the 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, 5th-7th June 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Bach, L., Simons, J. Wähler, M., Simonetti, A., Lemken, D., Kratzer, S., Philipsborn, P., Hartmann, M. (2024): Die Mensa als Impulsgeberin für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Presentation at the 61. Scientific congress of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), 4th - 6th March, Kassel, Germany.
Feisthauer, P., Börner, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): The intention to adopt spot spraying for sustainable weed control – an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour approach. Selected paper presented at the 97th AES Annual Conference, 27th - 29th March, University of Warwick, UK.
Finke, M., Macht, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): Vorteil oder Nachteil: Qualitätswahrnehmung von Orangensaft in recycelten Verpackungen durch Verbraucher*innen. Poster presented at the DGE Congress, 15th - 17th March 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Hartmann, M. (2023): Virtual Supermarkets: An innovative tool to study sustainable food purchase behavior. Invited keynote lecture, AEEA-Congress, 6th - 8th September 2023, Zaragoza, Spain.
Hartmann, M., Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J. (2023): Promoting Fish from Aquaponics: The Role of Consumer Trust in Information. Selected paper presented at the 17th EAAE Congress, 29th August - 1st September, Rennes, France.
Hartmann, M., Weingarten, N., Hirschberg, D.J. (2023): Do Nutritional Nudges Lead To Healthier Fast Food Choices? An Experimental Online Study With German Consumers. Selected paper presented at the 17th EAAE Congress, 29th August - 1st September, Rennes, France.
Hartmann, M. (2023): Virtual Reality: New opportunities for food behavior research. Invited keynote lecture at the Third Winter Workshop on Food and Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 15th -17th March 2023, Corrençon en Vercors, France.
Kilimann, J., Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): The Flavour of Information: Students’ Taste Perceptions and WTP for Aquaponic Tomatoes. Poster presented at the DGE Congress, 15th - 17th March 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Kilimann, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Macht, J., Hartmann, M. (2023). Determinants of consumers' purchase intention for precision fermentation-based cheese in Germany: an exploratory approach. Poster presented at the DECHEMA Infoday Food Proteins From Biotechnology, 30th November 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): Taste Perception and WTP for Aquaponic Tomatoes – An Incentive-Aligned Experimental Auction in a Lab Environment. Selected paper presented at the 17th EAAE Congress, 29th August- 1st September, Rennes, France.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2023): The Effect of Different Communication Strategies on German Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Fish from Aquaponics. Selected paper presented at the International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 13th - 17th February 2023, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Sauvagerd M, Hartmann M, Mayer M (2023): Digital Platforms in the Agricultural Sector: Dynamics of Oligopolistic Platformization. Poster presented at the 17th EAAE Congress, 29 August - 1 September, Rennes, France.
Simons, J., Klink-Lehmann, J. (2023): Challenges in Communicating about Fish and Aquaculture. Presentaton at the 3rd conference on Food and Communication. Örebro, Schweden.
Tatic, M., Hartmann, M. (2023): Unpacking the Effects of National MCOOL Legislation on Dairy Imports in the EU: A Synthetic Control Approach. Poster presented at the 17th EAAE Congress, 29th August - 1st September, Rennes, France.
Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2023): Determinants of consumers’ intention to eat whole grain products: A pre-registered Structural Equation Model. Poster presented at the DGE Congress, 15th - 17th March 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2023): Fifty shades of grain – Increasing whole grain consumption through daily messages among German consumers. Selected paper presented at the DGE Congress, 15th - 17th March 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Bach, L., Meyer, K., Yeh, C.-H., Dolgopolova, I., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Information banners and shelf labels as point of sale interventions to influence consumers’ purchase decisions of products with higher animal welfare standards – a virtual supermarket study, selected paper presented at the 9th EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma (Italy).
Bach, L., Meyer, K., Yeh, C.-H., Dolgopolova, I., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Point of sale interventions to influence consumers’ purchase decisions of products with higher farm animal welfare standards – a virtual supermarket study, poster presented at the 62. GEWISOLA Annual Conference, Hohenheim (Germany).
Feisthauer, P., Börner, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Adoption intentions of smart weeding technologies – a lab-in-the field experiment with German crop framers, selected paper presented at the 183rd EAAE seminar, Experimental and Behavioural Economics Research in Agri-Food and the Environment, Zagreb, 8-9 September, 2022.
Feisthauer, P., Börner, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): The Intention to Adopt Smart Weeding Technology for Sustainable Crop Farming - A Framed Field Experiment with German Crop Farmers., selected paper presented at the 4th Annual REECAP Meeting, Uppsala (Sweden), 8th-10th June 2022.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Don't forget the local people: Understanding German citizens' acceptance of technologies supporting a sustainable bioeconomy, poster presented at the 26th ICABR conference, Bologna (Italy).
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Not in my Backyard? General versus Local Acceptance of Bio-Based Technologies, selected paper presented at the 16th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Venghaus, S. (2022): Sustainable packaging for food products in Germany – An analysis of consumers’ purchase intention for bioplastic and paper-based packaging as alternatives to recyclable plastics, selected paper presented at the 9th EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma (Italy).
Tatic, M., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2022): Lack of Competitiveness as Driver for Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling? Analysis at the Example of the EU Dairy Sector, selected paper presented at the 16th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).
Tatic, M., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2022): Revisiting the importance of product's country of origin: A cross-country and cross-product analysis, selected paper presented at the 9th EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma (Italy).
Weingarten, N., Bach, L., Wang, W.-X., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2022): Increasing sales of animal-welfare products – A virtual supermarket experiment, selected paper presented at the 4th Annual REECAP Meeting, Uppsala (Sweden).
Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2022): Fifty shades of grain - Increasing whole grain consumption through daily messages, selected paper presented at the 9th EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma, Italy.
Weingarten, N., Lagerkvist, C.-J. . (2022): Double up? Triggering cognitive dissonance in meat-eaters with pictures and textual information, selected paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Anaheim (USA).
Achenbach, E.-C., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2021): Healthy and Environmentally Friendly but Disgusting: Can Information Provision Help to Increase Consumers’ Acceptance of Insect Burgers?, selected paper presented at the EAAE XVI, Prague, Czech Republic.
Hartmann, M., Yeh, C.-H., Gorton, M., Tocco, B., Török, A. (2021): Improving Consumer Evaluation of the EU Organic Label: Cross-Country Evidence on the Effectiveness of Logo Modification, selected paper presented at the EAAE XVI Virtual Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 20-23, 2021.
Macht, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Simons, J. (2021): German Citizens' Perception of the Transition towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy, selected paper presented at the IST Conference, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Metz, N., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2021): What determines consumers’ intention to eat meat alternatives? An extended Theory of Planned Behavior approach, selected paper presented at the EAAE XVI, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ploll, U., Arato, M., Hartmann, M. (2021): Sustainable innovation processes on the farm level: diffusion among farmers and agricultural stakeholders in Germany and the UK, in: selected paper presented at the IST Conference, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Simons J., Klink-Lehmann, J. Lenders, D. (2021): Bridging the Attitude Behaviour Gap – Retail Companies as Key Actors in Enforcing Sustainability. Presentation on the 175th EAAE Seminar 2021
Weingarten, N., Meraner, M., Bach, L., Hartmann, M. (2021): Me or Planet Earth -What Matters? The Effect of Information in Reducing Meat Consumption Behaviour in the University Canteen, poster presented at the EAAE XVI, Prague (Czech Republic) online.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Malek, L., Umberger, W. (2021): Mitigating and aggravating factors of excess buying behaviour of food during COVID-19: A cross-country analysis, selected paper presented at the AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, August 2, 2021.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Rohr, S., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2020): Challenges for and developments in the German apple sector, selected paper presented at the 14th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 10 - 14, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Birkle, I., Klink-Lehmann, J., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2019): Public acceptance towards pig husbandry in Germany - A structural equation modelling approach, selected paper presented at the 8th EAAE PhD Workshop Uppsala, Sweden.
Große Streine, L., Hartmann, M. (2019): Warum nehmen Landwirte an der Initiative Tierwohl teil? Eine Analyse der Einflussfaktoren, poster presented at the GEWISOLA Conference „Landwirtschaft und ländliche Räume im Wandel“, September 25.-27.2019, Braunschweig.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Langen, N., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2019): What determines consumers to take their own responsibility for farm animal welfare?, poster presented at the 170th EAAE Seminar "Governance of food chains and consumption dynamics: what are the impacts on food security and sustainability?”, May 15-17, Montpellier, France.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2019): The Influence of Wine Awards and Sustainability Labels on Consumers’ WTP: An Experimental Study at the Example of German “Riesling”, selected paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, July 21-23, Atlanta, USA.
Metz, N., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2019): Determinants of Consumers’ Decision to Eat Meat alternatives - an empirical analysis based on an extension of the TPB, selected paper presented at the 10th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 18 - 22, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Simons, J. (2019): Challenges of Consumer oriented Communication about scientifically based Sustainability Standards for Aquaculture, selected paper presented at the Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin (Germany).
Simons, J. (2019): Die Intensivtierhaltung aus Verbrauchersicht, selected paper presented at the 2. Tierwohltagung des Promotionsprogramms „Animal Welfare in Intensive Livestock Production Systems“, Transformationsprozesse in der intensiven Nutztierhaltung, Göttingen, 17.-18.10.2019.
Weingarten, N., Hartmann, M. (2019): Beyond Content: The Role of Message Design and Receivers’ Characteristics in Influencing Implicit and Explicit Acceptance of Conventional Pig Husbandry., selected paper presented at the 8th EAAE PhD Workshop Uppsala, Sweden.
Gorton, M., Tocco, B., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2018): What determines consumer trust in, and use of the EU’s organic label? The role of institutional trust and attachment, selected paper presented at the 164th EAAE Seminar, Chania, Greece.
Gorton, M., Tocco, B., Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2018): What determines consumers’ trust in the EU’s organic label? A cross country comparison of the role of institutional trust and consumer knowledge, selected paper presented at the 2018 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.(AAEA) Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington DC, USA.
Hagen, K., Schaffrin, A., Klink-Lehmann, J. (2018): Normativity and power-relations in the context of social transformation – TA of the German bioeconomy policy as a basis for a transparent societal discourse, selected paper presented at the NTA8: "Gesellschaftliche Transformationen; Gegenstand oder Aufgabe der Technikfolgenabschätzung?", 07 - 08 November 2018, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Lerro, M., Klink-Lehmann, J., Yeh, C.-H., Vecchio, R., Hartmann, M., Cembalo, L. (2018): A multiple price list experiment to measure consumer willingness to pay for social responsibility, selected paper presented at the SIDEA, Metamoforsi Verde, Agricoltura, Cibo, Ecologia, 13-15 September 2018, Perugia, Italy.
Lerro, M., Klink-Lehmann, J., Yeh, C.-H., Vecchio, R., Hartmann, M., Cembalo, L. (2018): Consumer preferences for CSR wines: an exploratory analysis in Italy and Germany, selected paper presented at the 12th Annual American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) conference, 10-14 June, 2018, Ithaca, USA.
Lerro, M., Klink-Lehmann, J., Yeh, C.-H., Vecchio, R., Hartmann, M., Cembalo, L. (2018): Organic wine vs. sustainable wines: who is the champion?, selected paper presented at the 2nd international GRAB-IT Workshop, 27-39 June, 2018, Capri Island (Naples), Italy.
Meyer, K., Simons, J. (2018): The Complexity of Implementing a Sustainable Diet – An Ethnographical Field Study based on the Food Choice Process Model, selected paper presented at the 164th EAAE Seminar “Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains”, September 05.-07. 2018, Chania, Greece.
Meyer, K., Simons, J. (2018): The Perception and Usage of Food Labels. The Role of Information about Standards and Heuristic Shortcuts - Insights from Ethnographical Fieldwork, selected paper presented at the 164th EAAE Seminar “Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains”, September 05.-07. 2018, Chania, Greece.
Simons, J. (2018): Antibiotics: perspective and demands from consumers, selected paper presented at the 12th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks in Innsbruck-Igls, Österreich.
Simons, J. (2018): Consumer Perception of Modern Animal Husbandry Consequences for the Meat Chain, selected paper presented at the 12th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks in Innsbruck-Igls, Österreich.
Simons, J., Hartmann, M., Klink-Lehmann, J., Vierboom, C., Härlen, I. (2018): Acceptance of animal husbandry in Germany: Drivers and different ways to cope with problems, selected paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, July 28-August 2, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Simons, J., Hartmann, M., Morales, E., Mounter, S. (2018): Approaches to Meeting Consumer Animal Welfare Expectations, selected paper presented at the 12th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks in Innsbruck-Igls, Österreich.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Áron, T., Filipović, J., Veneziani, M. (2018): Consumers’ use of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) label in an European comparison: Why does it differ?, selected paper presented at the 30th international conference of agricultural economists (ICAE) 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Amilien, V., Filipoci, J., Saidi, M., Menozzi, D., Tocco, B., Török, Á. (2018): Drivers of European consumers’ choice of cheese: Drivers of consumers’ choice of cheese: Heterogeneity between countries, similarity between consumer’ segments across countries, selected paper presented at the 164th EAAE Seminar, Chania, Greece.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2018): The role of trust in explaining food choice: combining choice experiment and attribute best worst scaling, selected paper presented at the 30th international conference of agricultural economists (ICAE) 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
Goddard, E., Hartmann, M., Klink-Lehmann, J. (2017): Public Acceptance of Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production - Canada and Germany, selected paper presented at the 11th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 13-17, 2017, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2017): EU-Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW: Kann der Interventionseffekt durch Änderung der Determinanten des Obst- und Gemüsekonsums verstärkt werden?, selected paper presented at the 54. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 01.-03. März 2017, Kiel.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2017): EU-Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW: Welche Rolle spielen ernährungspädagogische Begleitmaßnahmen?, selected paper presented at the 54. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 01.-03. März 2017, Kiel.
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M., Cash, S., McAlister, A. R. (2017): Fruits or Cookie – How Children Behave as Snack Purchasers, poster presented at the XV 2017 EAAE Congress, Parma, August 29th- September 1st 2017.
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M., Yeh, C.-H., Cash, S., McAlister, A. R. (2017): Apfel oder Cookie? Eine Analyse der Einflussfaktoren auf das Kaufverhalten von Kindern im Snackbereich., selected paper presented at the 54. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 01.-03. März 2017, Kiel.
Maschkowski, G., Barth, A., Köngeter, A. (2017): Solidarische Landwirtschaft - Austrittsgründe aus Perspektive ehemaliger Mitglieder - eine Analyse aus Haushaltswissenschaftlicher Perspektive, poster presented at the GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung, Download.
Simons, J., Hartmann, M., Klink, J., Härlen, I., Vierboom, C. (2017): Acceptance of modern animal husbandry and the behavioural gap on meat markets, selected paper presented at the 11th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 13-17, 2017, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Uphoff, C., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2017): Fleischersatzprodukte – So gesund wie auf der Packung beworben?, selected paper presented at the Wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 01.-03. März 2016, Kiel, Deutschland.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2016): Soziale oder persönliche Faktoren: Was determiniert die Höhe des Obst- und Gemüsekonsums von Grundschulkindern?, selected paper presented at the 53. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 02.-04. März 2016, Fulda.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2016): What determines fruit and vegetables intake of primary school children? An analysis of personal and social determinants., selected paper presented at the 2016 AAEA Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2 2016, Boston, MA, USA.
Hartmann, M., Cash, S., Yeh, C.-H., Landwehr, S., McAlister, A. R. (2016): Children’s Purchase Behavior in the Snack Market: Can Branding or Low Price Motivate a Healthy Choice?, selected paper presented at the the 2016 AAEA Annual Meeting, July 31 - August 2 2016, Boston, MA, USA Überarbeitete Version in Fachzeitschrift veröffentlicht, Supplementary Material....
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M. (2016): Does Self-Regulation Work? The Case of Television Food Advertisement to Children in Germany, selected paper presented at the the 2016 AAEA Annual Meeting, July 31 - August 2 2016, Boston, MA, USA.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Langen, N., Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M. (2016): „Regionale“ Erdbeeren: Beeinflussung der Geschmackswahrnehmung und Zahlungsbereitschaft von Konsument*innen., poster presented at the 56. GEWISOLA-Tagung 2016. 28.-30. September 2016, Bonn.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M. (2016): Consumers’ preference for and capability to differentiate between different process attributes: A discrete choice experiment for sweet peppers in Taiwan., selected paper presented at the 10th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) (151th EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 15-19 Feb. 2016 in Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Yeh, C.-H., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2016): Consumers Preferences for Sweet Peppers: Combining Discrete Choice Experiments and Best Worst Scaling., selected paper presented at the 10th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) (151th EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 15-19 Feb. 2016, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Allendorf, J., Hirsch, S. (2015): Dynamic productivity growth in the European food processing industry, selected paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA), September 23-25, Gießen, Germany, 2015.
Haß, J. (2015): Das EU-Schulobstprogramm in NRW: Effekte auf das Verzehrsverhalten der Eltern und den Obst- und Gemüsekonsum der Kinder Zuhause., selected paper presented at the 52. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 11.-13. März 2015, Halle (Saale).
Haß, J. (2015): The impact of the EU School Fruit Scheme in NRW: Short and medium term effects considering different distribution frequencies, selected paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 8.-14. August 2015, Milan, Italy.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2015): Das EU-Schulobstprogramm in NRW: Effekte auf den Obst- und Gemüsekonsum der Kinder an Schulobst- und schulobstfreien Tagen., selected paper presented at the 52. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 11.-13. März 2015, Halle (Saale).
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2015): The European School Fruit Scheme in North Rhine-Westphalia: Effects on Children’s Fruits and Vegetables Consumption taking into account different Distribution Frequencies., selected paper presented at the 143th Joint EAAE-AAEA Seminar, 25.-27. March 2015, Naples, Italy.
Klink, J., Langen, N. (2015): Animal welfare - For whom is this really relevant?, selected paper presented at the 6th EAAE PhD Workshop, June 8-10, Rome, Italy.
Klink, J., Langen, N. (2015): Are farm animal welfare aspects of relevance in consumers’ purchase decision?, paper presented at the 9th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, selected paper presented at the 9th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Insbruck-Igls, Austria.
Klink, J., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2015): Responsibility, control and labeling for sustainability in the meat sector, selected paper presented at the 143rd EAAE/AAEA Joint Seminar Consumer Behavior in a Changing World: Food, Culture and onsumer Behavior in a Changing World: Food, Culture and Society, March 25-27,2015, Naples, Italy.
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M. (2015): Einfluss des Produktdesigns auf die Lebensmittelpräferenzen von Grundschulkindern., selected paper presented at the 52. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 11.-13. März 2015, Halle (Saale).
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M. (2015): Impact on primary school children’s taste preferences: Packaging design versus product familiarity., selected paper presented at the 143rd EAAE/AAEA Joint Seminar on Consumer Behavior in a Changing World: Food, Culture and Society, 22.-27. March, Naples, Italy.
Landwehr, S., Hartmann, M., Cash, S., McAlister, A. R. (2015): Children’s Purchase Behavior in the Snack Market - The Role of Internal and External Factors., selected paper presented at the Organized session at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28 2015, San Francisco, USA.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Langen, N. (2015): Food leftovers in canteens – determinants of consumer behavior and options for intervention, selected paper presented at the Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, 01.11.2015 – 04.11.2015, Sitges, Spain.
Simons, J. (2015): Markt und Tierschutz - Ein schwieriges Paar., selected paper presented at the Agrar- und Ernährungsforum Oldenburger Münsterland, Vechta, 05. November 2015.
Xu, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2015): Choice of Sweet Peppers: Investigating Factors Affecting Taiwanese Consumers' Purchase Decision Using Best-Worst Scaling Methodology., selected paper presented at the Tropentag conference of "Management of land use systems for enhanced food security – conflicts, controversies and resolutions", September 16 – 18, Berlin, Link Überarbeitete Version in Fachzeitschrift veröffentlicht, Supplementary Material....
Yeh, C.-H., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2015): Country-of-origin and chemical residue test determine consumers' preferences for sweet peppers in Taiwan: A discrete choice experiment., selected paper presented at the Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015, 1-4 November, Sitges, Spain.
Yeh, C.-H., Langen, N., Lorenz, B. A.-S., Klink, J. (2015): Region of origin information’s influence on taste perception and consumer choice., selected paper presented at the Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015, 1-4 November, Sitges, Spain.
Finkbeiner, O., Langen, N., Hirsch, S., Hartmann, M. (2014): Leftovers in cafeterias – Latent and manifest reasons for food waste, selected paper presented at the 8th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 17-21, 2014, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Hartmann, M., Klink, J. (2014): Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeit: Zielgruppen, Inhalte, Medien., selected paper presented at the 'Nachhaltigkeitsstudie Ernährung.NRW', June 24, 2014, Bonn.
Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2014): Citizen-Consumer Gap with Respect to Animal Welfare, organized session at the 14th EAAE Congress , Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies, selected paper presented at the 14th EAAE Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hecht, S., Hartmann, M. (2014): Inhaltsanalytische Betrachtung von Fernsehwerbung von Lebensmitteln für Kinder und ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung der Produkte, selected paper presented at the 51. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, 12.-14. März 2014, Paderborn.
Hirsch, S., von Germeten, J.-P. (2014): Fallstudie „Snack & Convenience: Eine Alternative im Schulobstprogramm?“, selected paper presented at the Final Conference ‘Frucht macht Schule‘, November 11th, Bonn, Germany.
Klink, J., Hecht, S., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2014): Sustainability as Sales Argument in the Fruit Juice Industry, selected paper presented at the 8th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 17-21 2014, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2014): Die Bedeutung artgerechter Tierhaltung für die Kaufentscheidung von Fleisch (forthcoming), selected paper presented at the In 54th Annual Conference, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA), Göttingen, Germany..
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2014): The Individual Behavior of Consumers Visualized by Means of Sequence Analysis, selected paper presented at the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA), 54rd Annual Conference, September 17-19 2014, Göttingen, Germany.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Simons, J., Hartmann, M. (2014): Voluntary Sustainability Labels in the Meat Sector: Consumer Knowledge, Behavioral Effectiveness and Suitability of Responsibility, selected paper presented at the ESF Workshop: The Effectiveness of Voluntary Sustainability Standards Leuven, Belgium, October 01-03, 2014.
Klink, J., Sommer, F., Appelt, D., Hartmann, M. (2014): Food related communication on selected sustainability blogs – a content analysis, selected paper presented at the 2014 AAEA/EAAE/CAES Joint Symposium; Social Networks, Social Media and the Economics of Food, 28.-30. May 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Langen, N., Schäpke, N., Maschkowski, G., Grabs, J. (2014): Close-up on grassroots initiatives in sustainability transitions – motivations, success factors and evidence of social learning in three German case studies., selected paper presented at the 6th Living Knowledge Conference ‘Civil Society based Innovation – Co-creation and Participation’, April 9-11, 2014, Copenhagen..
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Hartmann, M. (2014): Lebensmittelverschwendung durch Essensreste: Einflussfaktoren und Interventionsmöglichkeiten im Umfeld der Betriebsverpflegung., poster presented at the ‚Von der Verschwendung zur Wertschätzung der Lebensmittel – Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und praktische Umsetzung`Münster.
Lorenz, B. A.-S., Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2014): Impacts from Region-of-Origin Labeling on Consumer Product Perception and Purchasing Intention – Causal Relationships in a TPB based Model., poster presented at the 14.. EAAE Kongress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Simons, J. (2014): Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies: Citizen-Consumer GAP with Respect to Animal Welfare., selected paper presented at the 14th EAAE Congress, Ljubljana.
Simons, J. (2014): Corporate Social Responsibility in the Fruit Vegetable Coffee and Tea Sector with focus on Germany., selected paper presented at the Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit ontwikkelingslanden (CBI): EXPRO Food and Ingredients program, Bonn.
Sommer, F., Klink, J., Senkl, D., Hartmann, M. (2014): Determinants of web-based CSR disclosure in the food industry, selected paper presented at the 8th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 17.-21. February 2014, Insbruck-Igls, Austria.
von Germeten, J.-P. (2014): Verwaltung Logistik, Zusammenarbeit: Die Teilnahme am Programm aus Lieferantensicht, selected paper presented at the Final Conference ‘Frucht macht Schule‘, November 11th, Bonn, Germany.
von Germeten, J.-P., Hirsch, S. (2014): Pre-sliced or do it yourself? Determinants of children’s acceptance of convenience fruits and vegetables, selected paper presented at the International Conference on Comsumer Research (ICCR), September 29-30, Bonn, Germany.
Höllmer, J. P., Hartmann, M. (2013): EU school fruit scheme: Strengthening local businesses, invited paper presented at the International European Forum (Igls-Forum) “System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks”, February 18-22, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Heinen, S., Hartmann, M. (2013): Social Responsibility in the German Pork Industry: Relevance and Determinants, selected paper presented at the 7th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 18-22, 2013, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Klink, J. (2013): Media & Food - Onlineplattformen erobern den Sektor, selected paper presented at the KarmaKonsum Conference Green Camp, 23.05.2013, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2013): The importance of animal welfare labels for consumers' meat decision-making, selected paper presented at the 134th EAAE Seminar "Labels on sustainability: an issue für consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs' March 21 - 22, Paris, France.
Langen, N. (2013): Assessing the relevance of ethical product attributes for consumers'choice by means of the Information Display Matrix, poster presented at the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, June 18 - June 25, 2013, Berlin.
Langen, N., Klink, J., Hartmann, M. (2013): Individualized or non-individualized IDM: What elicits consumer preferences best?, selected paper presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2013..
Langen, N., Klink, J., Hartmann, M. (2013): Individualized or non-individualized IDM: What elicits consumer preferences best?, selected paper presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association's 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 4 - 6. August, 2013.
Sommer, F., Klink, J., Janßen, D., Hartmann, M. (2013): CSR-Communication on Firm and Brand Level, selected paper presented at the 2nd CSR Communication Conference, 18. – 20. September 2013, Aarhus, Denmark.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2012): Intended purchase decisions of Cause-related Marketing products –An application of the Theory of Reasoned Action, selected paper presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) ‘Beyond the limits – below potential’, September 12-14, 2012, Bordeaux, France..
Langen, N. (2012): Who gets the premium? Evidence from the German coffee market and consumers’ expectations, selected paper presented at the Fair Trade International Symposium 2012, Liverpool, UK.
Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2012): Chocolate Brands’ Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany, selected paper presented at the First Conference on Economics and Politics of Chocolate, September 17-19, 2012, Leuven, Belgium.
Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2012): Chocolate Brands’ Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany, selected paper presented at the 6th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 13-17, 2012, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Langen, N., Sahinol, M. (2012): Politics of Numbers? Food losses and food waste – the German discussion, poster presented at the NTA5 – 5. Tagung des Netzwerks TA und Jubiläumsfeier 20 Jahre TA-Swiss: Vordenken – mitdenken – nachdenken. Technikfolgenabschätzung im Dienst einer pluralistischen Politik, October 29-31, 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Maschkowski, G. (2012): Innovation for Sustainable Development - Insights for Societal Change from Transition Town Movement, invited paper presented at the Workshop on International Conference on Indicators and Concepts of Innovation – ICICI, November 22-23, 2012 Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen.
Maschkowski, G. (2012): Listening to parents' problems. Online-Content Analysis of parents' questions about children nutrition., invited paper presented at the 1st International Forum on Health Promotion Research August 06-09, 2012, Trondheim, Norway.
Maschkowski, G., Hoffmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2012): Supporting a healthy diet? On-Pack promotion and nutritional information of Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Marketed to Children - a Product Packaging Analysis, invited paper presented at the AAEA Symposia. Food Environment: The Effects of Context on Food Choice, May 30–31, 2012, Tufts University, Boston, MA.
Maschkowski, G., Hoffmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2012): Supporting a healthy diet? On-Pack promotion and nutritional information of Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Marketed to Children – a Product Packaging Analysis, selected paper presented at the AAEA Symposia. Food Environment: The Effects of Context on Food Choice, May 30–31, 2012, Tufts University, Boston, MA.
Maschkowski, G., Lange, N. (2012): Movements: Transition Town and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)- Example from social movement's engaged in changing their cities, invited paper presented at the Workshop on German Watch Conference "NGO Strategy Dialogue on Energy and Climate, Agriculture and Food Security towards the Great Transformation" November 1-2, 2012, Bonn.
Saverimuthu, D., Langen, N. (2012): What role does information play to consumers in a Cause-related Marketing campaign?, selected paper presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) ‘Beyond the limits – below potential’, September 12th-14th, 2012, Bordeaux, France.
Simons, J. (2012): CSR in the meat industry: Do good, but should you talk about it?, selected paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility - The Future of CSR, Berlin, 6. Oktober 2012.
Sommer, F., Heinen, S., Hartmann, M., Gesmann-Nuissl, D. (2012): Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der betrieblichen Organisation. Wie nachhaltig sind etablierte Managementsysteme?, selected paper presented at the Herbsttagung der Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, 24. – 25.09.2012, Hamburg.
Wingensiefen, S., Maschkowski, G., Hartmann, M. (2012): European School Fruit Scheme in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) – Does it work?, poster presented at the AAEA Symposium: Food Environment: The Effects of Context on Food Choice, 30. - 31. Mai, Tufts University, Boston, MA.
Wingensiefen, S., Maschkowski, G., Hartmann, M. (2012): Nutrition education within the scope of the EU School Fruit Scheme in North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW; Germany) – implementation & effect, selected paper presented at the 1. Internationalen Forum für Health Promotion Research, 06. - 09. August, 2012, Sør-Trøndelag University College, Trondheim, Norway.
Colson, G., Grebitus, C. (2011): Parents’ Preferences for Health Labels on Foods for Children, selected paper presented at the XIII. EAAE congress, 08/30-09/02, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland.
Grebitus, C., Colson, G., Menapace, L. (2011): Analyzing Pork Purchases at the Point of Sale – the Role of Consumer Involvement, selected paper presented at the AAEA congress, July 25 - 27, 2011, Pittsburgh, USA.
Grebitus, C., Jensen, H., Roosen, J. (2011): Trust towards food packaging: Natural versus chemical reactions, selected paper presented at the AAEA congress, July 25 - 27, Pittsburgh, USA.
Grebitus, C., Lusk, J., Nayga, R. (2011): Choosing local food – How important is the environmental aspect? Influences of involvement and eco consciousness, selected paper presented at the AAEA congress, July 25 - 27, 2011, Pittsburgh, USA.
Grebitus, C., Lusk, J., Nayga, R. (2011): The value of local food – A matter of personality, selected paper presented at the Consumer and Market Demand (CMD) Network workshop, August 15 - 16, Guelph, Canada.
Grebitus, C., Reynolds, N., Hartmann, M. (2011): Effect of gender, nationality and attitudes on weight reduction strategies, selected paper presented at the XIII. EAAE congress, August 30 - September 02, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Grebitus, C., Steiner, B., Veemann, M. (2011): Consumer Attitudes towards Environmental Footprints – Evidence from Canada, selected paper presented at the AAEA congress, July 25 - 27, 2011, Pittsburgh, USA.
Grebitus, C., Steiner, B., Veemann, M. (2011): Do Canadian consumers with different types of general and institutional trust have different desires for environmental labeling?, selected paper presented at the XIII. European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) congress, August 30 - September 02, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Gschwandtner, A., Hirsch, S. (2011): Profit Persistence in the Food Industry: Evidence from five European Countries, selected paper presented at the 13th EAAE Conference, August 30th-September 2nd 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Höllmer, J. P., Grebitus, C. (2011): Sustainability labels from consumer perspective, selected paper presented at the 5th ICSCR Conference, Consumer 2011 ’Consumer behaviour for a sustainable future’, July 18 - 20, 2011, Bonn, Germany.
Hoffmann, J. (2011): Geography matters. Fruit and vegetable networks in different German regions, selected paper presented at the 7th UK Social Networks Conference, July 7-9, 2011, London, UK.
Hoffmann, J., Simons, J. (2011): Inter-organizational networks in the German fruit and vegetable sector – Evidence from clustered and non-clustered regions, selected paper presented at the Paper presented at the European Association of Agricultural Economists PhD Workshop, April 27-29, 2011, Nitra, Slovakia.
Klöckner, H. (2011): Can COO labeling be a means of pepper differentiation: Quality expectation and taste experience, selected paper presented at the EAAE Congress 2011 “Change and Uncertainty”, August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zürich, Schweiz.
Langen, N. (2011): Cause-related Marketing: A Tool to Arrive at Sustainability?, selected paper presented at the AAEA, Pittsburgh, USA.
Langen, N. (2011): Produkte mit Zusatznutzen für Konsumenten und was die Landwirtschaft daraus lernen kann - am Beispiel Bio, Fair Trade und Cause-related Marketing, selected paper presented at the SGA Tagung ‚Das Bild der Landwirtschaft im XXI Jahrhundert’, March 31 to April 1, 2011, Murten, Switzerland.
Langen, N. (2011): Stated versus revealed preferences for ethical consumption - Insights from organic yoghurt shoppers, selected paper presented at the Sustainable Consumption Conference 2011, "Sustainable Consumption - Towards Action and Impact", November, 6-8, 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2011): New forms of consumer power – Implications from the first Cologne Carrotmob, selected paper presented at the 5th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 14-18, 2011, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Langen, N., Saverimuthu, D. (2011): Cause-related Marketing – Greenwashing der Unternehmen oder eine Möglichkeit für Konsumenten schnell und einfach Gutes zu tun?, selected paper presented at the Herbsttagung der Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement des Verb. der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft in Koop. mit der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Oktober 6-7, 2011, Berlin, Gemany.
Langen, N., Saverimuthu, D. (2011): Organic consumers’ favoured attributes of yoghurt – Me or the others?, selected paper presented at the 5. ICSCR Conference, Consumer 2011 ’Consumer behaviour for a sustainable future’, July 18-20, 2011, Bonn, Germany.
Saverimuthu, D., Langen, N. (2011): Anforderungen an eine Cause-related Marketing Auszeichnung auf dem Produkt, selected paper presented at the Herbsttagung der Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement des Verb. der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft in Koop. mit der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Okt. 2011, Berlin.
Saverimuthu, D., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2011): Arriving at social and environmental sustainability: The role of information shaping consumers' attitudes towards Cause-related Marketing, selected paper presented at the 5. ICSCR Conference, Consumer 2011 'Consumer behaviour for a sustainable future', July 18-20, 2011, Bonn, Germany.
Grebitus, C., Maschkowski, G., Simons, J. (2010): Parental influence regarding fruit and veggie consumption of children, selected paper presented at the AAEA, CAES & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting 25.-27. July 2010 in Denver, Colorado, USA.
Hoffmann, J. (2010): Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry, selected paper presented at the EAAE-SYAL Seminar 2010 'Spatial dynamics in agri-food systems', October 27-30, 2010, Parma, Italy.
Kloeckner, H., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2010): The Role of Taste Perception for the Success of Country of Origin Labelling in the Case of Organic Pepper, selected paper presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the AAEA, CAES, & WAEA 2010, July 25-27, 2010, Denver, USA.
Langen, N. (2010): Die Bedeutung ethischer Aspekte bei Kaufentscheidungen – Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Kaffee, poster presented at the NTA4, ’Der Systemblick auf Innovation – Technikfolgenabschätzung in der Technikgestaltung’, November 24-26, 2010, Berlin, Germany.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Consumers' willingness to pay for coffee differentiation: A comparison of Fair Trade, organic, and cause-related marketing coffees - and a mix thereof, selected paper presented at the Joint Annual meeting of the AAEA, CAES & WAEA 2010, July 25-27, 2010, Denver, USA.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Is Cause-related Marketing greenwashing?, selected paper presented at the Biennial ISEE Conference ‘Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis’, August 22-25, 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Is there need for more transparency and efficieny in Cause-related Marketing?, selected paper presented at the 4th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 8-12, 2010, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Langen, N., Roidl, V., Hartmann, M. (2010): How important are Fair Trade, organic production and Cause-related Marketing for the product choice - the use of the Information Display Matrix to uncover the in-formation search process, selected paper presented at the Biennial ISEE Conference ‘Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis’, August 22-25, 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.
Langen, N., Saverimuthu, D., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Acceptance and critical success factors of Cause-related Marketing in Germany – evidence from a consumer survey, selected paper presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2010 ‘Sustainability Management in a Diverse World’, September 15-17, 2010, Marseille, France.
Maschkowski, G., Hartmann, M., Grebitus, C. (2010): Analyzing Parental Influence on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, selected paper presented at the First Joint EAAE/ AAEA Seminar “The Economics of Food, Food Choice and Health” (115th EAAE Seminar), Freising (Germany) September 15th – 17th, 2010, Link.
Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M., Langen, N. (2009): The ethical consumer's willingness to pay for coffee: A comparison of donations, Fair Trade, organic, and cause-related marketing coffees, selected paper presented at the II Workshop on Valution Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics "Experimental Auctions: Theoretical background and empirical applications", July 2-3, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Langen, N. (2009): Ethical coffee consumers' willingness to pay: A comparison of Fair Trade, organic, and cause-related marketing coffees, selected paper presented at the EAAE PhD workshop 2009, Economics and Social Science Research in Food, Agriculture, Environment and Development, September 10-11,2009, Gießen, Germany.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2009): Do German consumers diffentiate between Fair Trade certification and charitable giving, selected paper presented at the Tropentag 2009, International Conference on 'Biophysical and Socio-economic Frame Conditions for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources', October 6-8,2009, Hamburg, Germany.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2009): Fair Trade and donations: Two possibilities to contribute to poverty alleviation in daily purchase decisions, selected paper presented at the CCN sixth annual conference, March 23-24, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Schiefer, J., Reynolds, N. (2009): Mail and internet surveys in the agribusiness: How can we tackle decreasing response rates?, selected paper presented at the EAAE's 3rd International Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 16-20, 2009, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.
Drescher, L., Grebitus, C., Herzfeld, T. (2008): Spread of retailer food quality standards: A transition counties perspective, selected paper presented at the IAMO Forum 2008, 06/25-06/27/2008, Halle, Germany.
Fischer, C., Gil-Alana, L. A. (2008): International traveling and trade: further evidence for the case of Spanish wine based on fractional VAR specifications., in: Canavari, M., Regazzi, D., Spadoni, R. (eds.), “Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products”, Proceedings CD-ROM of the 105th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists.
Grebitus, C., Jensen, H., Sebranek, J., Anders, S., Roosen, J. (2008): Applying non-hypothetical choice experiments to uncover consumers' purchase decisions for ground beef with different packaging technologies., selected paper presented at the Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics: "State-of-the art and future challenges in Stated Choice Experiments", 06/22-06/25/2008, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Grebitus, C., Jensen, H., Sebranek, J., Anders, S., Roosen, J. (2008): Consumer Response to Modified Atmosphere Packaging with Carbon Monoxide, poster presented at the Reciprocal Meat Conference, 06/22-06/25/2008, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Grebitus, C., Jensen, H., Sebranek, J., Anders, S., Roosen, J. (2008): Experimental Determination of Consumers' Willingness-to-pay for Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Ground Beef., poster presented at the Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 07/26-07/29/2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Hartmann, M., Lensch, A. K., Simons, J. (2008): Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Ernährungsinformation durch Framing: Analyse am Beispiel von Folsäure., in: Präsentation auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues und Publikation im Tagungsband Berg, E. et al: Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und deren Bewältigung, Download.
Herzfeld, T., Drescher, L., Grebitus, C. (2008): Spread of retailer food quality standards: An international perspective, poster presented at the Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 07/26-07/29/2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Langen, N. (2008): Fairer Handel und Spenden aus Konsumentensicht, poster presented at the TA'08 NTA3: Technology Governance: Der Beitrag der Technikfolgenabschätzung, May 28-30, 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Menapace, L., Colson, G., Grebitus, C., Facendola, M. (2008): Consumer preferences for extra virgin olive oil with country-of-origin and geographical indication labels in Canada, selected paper presented at the Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA, Link.
Reynolds, N., Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2008): Determinants of sustainable economic relationships in German agri-food chains, selected paper presented at the 2nd international European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Austria, Innsbruck-IGLS, 18-22 February.
Banik, I., Klein, D., Köpke, U., Simons, J. (2007): Entwicklung regionaler Vermarktungsstrategien gefährdeter Tomatensorten in NRW, Deutschland., in: Zikeli, S.; Claupein, W.; Dabbert, S.; Kaufmann, B.; Müller, TZ. und Zárate, A. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung, Band 2, Universität Hohenheim 20.-23. März 2007.
Banik, I., Simons, J. (2007): Regionalvermarktung und Bio-Produkte: Spannungsverhältnis oder sinnvolle Ergänzung, Beiträge zur 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, in: Zikeli, S. ; Claupein, W.; Dabbert, S.; Kaufmann, B.; Müller, T. und Valle Zárate, A. (Hrsg.): Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung, Beiträge zur 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Band 2, Universität Hohenheim, 20.-23. März 2007. 2.
Fischer, C. (2007): Food quality and product export performance – An empirical investigation of the EU situation., invited paper .
Fischer, C., Gonzales, M., Henchion, M., Leat, P. (2007): Trust and Economic Relationships in Selected European Agri-Food Chains., in: 99th European Seminar of the EAAE 'Trust and Risk in Business Networks'..
Grebitus, C., Menapace, L., Bruhn, M. (2007): Origin as a quality cue in pork purchase decisions - A binomial logit., poster presented at the Annual meetin of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 07/28/08/01/2007, Portland, Oregon, Usa. Travel stipend by German Research Foundation.
Grebitus, C., Yue, C., Bruhn, M., Jensen, H. (2007): Milk-Marketing: Impact of perceived quality on consumption patterns - An ordered logit model., selected paper presented at the 105th seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, 03/07-03/10/2007, Bologna, Italy..
Grebitus, C., Yue, C., Bruhn, M., Jensen, H. (2007): What affects consumption patterns of organic and conventional products?, poster presented at the Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 07/28-08/01/2007, Portland, Oregon, USA. Travel stipend by German Research Foundation..
Grebitus, C., Yue, C., Bruhn, M., Jensen, H. (2007): What Affects Consumption Patterns of Organic and Conventional Products?, selected paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting, July 29-August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon, Link.
Rudloff, B., Hartmann, M., Heckelei, T. (2007): Food Regulation and Trade: Institutional Framework, Concepts of Analysis and Empirical Evidence, selected paper presented at the Summer Symposium of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) in Bonn. May 28-30, 2006, Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 4(1).
Simons, J., Banik, I. (2007): Chancen regionalen Handels am Beispiel "Regionale Vermarktung", invited paper presented at the Landwirtschaft 2015 – Politische Rahmenbedingungen und ihre Auswirkungen –, Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkts: 23-34, Link.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2006): Wahrnehmung und Nutzung von Qualitätsindikatoren bei Schweinefleisch, selected paper presented at the 56th Hochschultagung CAU Kiel, Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, 02/03/2005, Kiel, Germany.
Fischer, C., Schornberg, S. (2006): An index-based approach for assessing agribusiness competitiveness at the sector level: the case of the EU food and drink manufacturing industries., in: Contributed paper presented at the 98th European Seminar of the EAAE 'Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives'..
Fischer, C., Schornberg, S. (2006): Assessing the competitiveness situation of EU food and drink manufacturing industries: an index-based approach., in: Contributed paper presented at the AIAE2 International Meeting 'Competitiveness in Agriculture and in the Food Industry: US and EU perspectives'..
Fischer, C., Schornberg, S. (2006): Explaining the competitiveness of EU food and drink manufacturing industries: a GLM approach., in: Contributed paper presented at the AIAE2 International Meeting 'Competitiveness in Agriculture and in the Food Industry: US and EU perspectives'..
Grebitus, C. (2006): Concept mapping in consumer behavior research, selected paper presented at the CARD-Workshop, Iowa State University, 04/20/2006, Ames, Iowa, USA.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2006): Wahrnehmung und Bewertung der Qualität von Schweinefleisch und Kartoffeln, selected paper presented at the Conference book of the 16th annual meeting of the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists, 09/28-09/29/2006, Vienna, Austria: 53-54.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2006): What comes into your mind if you think of Food Quality? Concept mapping in consumer behavior research., selected paper presented at the Sunbelt XXVI-International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 04/24-04/30/2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Travel stipend by H. Wilhelm Schaumann Foundation..
Rudloff, B., Simons, J. (2006): Considering consumers' food safety perceptions at the WTO -level: a survey-based analysis., selected paper presented at the IATRC Summer Symposium "Food Regulation and Trade: Institutional Framework, Concepts of Analysis and Empirical Evidence, Bonn (Germany), May 28-30, 2006.
Beukert, C., Simons, J. (2005): "Opportunities for shaping the market for organic products - the case of Germany.", selected paper presented at the 15th IFOAM World Congress "Shaping Sustainable Systems", September 21-23, 2005, Adelaide, Australia.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2005): Einfluss aktueller Informationen auf das Entscheidungsverhalten von Kunden beim Kauf von Schweinefleisch, poster presented at the GEWISOLA, 10/05-10/07/2005, Goettingen, Germany.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2005): Food quality from a consumer's perspective, selected paper presented at the 92nd Seminar of European Association of Agricultural Economists, 03/02-03/04/2005, Goettingen, Germany.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2005): Untersuchung von Kaufentscheidungen mittels Netzwerkanalyse, poster presented at the 55th Hochschultagung CAU Kiel, Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences Sciences, 02/11/2005, Kiel, Germany.
Fischer, C. (2005): A theoretical model explaining modern food consumption and implications for international food product marketers., in: 97th EAAE Seminar, 'The Economics and Policy of Diet and Health'..
Fischer, C. (2005): A theoretical model explaining the influence of immigration and international tourism on the import demand for consumer goods., in: 1st International Conference on Theoretical Advances in Tourism Economics..
Fischer, C. (2005): Gérer le commerce international de produits alimentaires - un sondage auprès d'entreprises allemandes et australiennes. Actes des journées européennes des thèses à Montpellier., in: (Tagungsband des 'European Doctoral Meeting', organisiert von der 'Société Francaise d'Economie Rurale' (SFER) und der 'Association Internationale d'Economie Alimentaire et Agro-industrielle' (AIEA2).
Grebitus, C. (2005): Wahrnehmung von Qualität und Trends im Nachfrageverhalten, selected paper presented at the Frühjahrstagung der Bäuerlichen Gesellschaft Nordwestdeutschland, 04/08/2005, Bremen, Germany.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2005): Consumer's decision-making concerning food quality, selected paper presented at the European PhD-Day of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, 09/21-09/23/2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2005): Food qualtiy from a consumer's point of view2: Applying network analysis, selected paper presented at the International conference "In the Name of Quality. What kind of Quality for kind of demand(s)?" of the Société Francaise d'Economie Rurale (SFER), 10/05-10/06/2005, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Travel stipend by H. Wilhelm Schaumann Foundation..
Hartmann, M., Lensch, A. K., Simons, J., Thrams, S. (2005): Nutrition and Health Claims - Information or Deception?, selected paper presented at the 97th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists "The Economics and Policy of Diet and Health" - Determinants of diet choices.
Lensch, A. K. (2005): Dietary Information by experts and its impact on consumers’ behaviour., in: Contributed paper presented at the 97th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists "The Economics and Policy of Diet and Health" - Determinants of diet choices..
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C., Huemmelink, A. (2004): Die Bedeutung kognitiver Strukturen im Rahmen des Qualitätsurteils der Verbraucher - am Beispiel von Schweinefleisch., selected paper presented at the GEWISOLA, 09/27-09/29/2004, Berlin, Germany.
Fischer, C. (2004): The influence of immigration and international tourism on the demand for imported food products., in: Präsentation auf der AIEA2 International Conference. Quebec, Kanada. 23.-24. August 2004..
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2004): The measurement of competitiveness - With an application to the global food processing sector., in: Präsentation auf der AIEA2 International Conference. Quebec, Kanada. 23.-24. August 2004..
Grebitus, C. (2004): Analyse kognitiver Strukturen mittels Concept Mapping bezüglich des Qualitätsurteils der Verbraucher am Beispiel von Schweinefleisch, selected paper presented at the 4th Quality and Safety-Workshop: Produktqualität und Informationsmanagement bei Lebensmitteln, 06/23/2004, Kiel, Germany.
Grebitus, C. (2004): Anwendung der Netzwerkanalyse zur Untersuchung von Kaufentscheidungen mittels Netzwerkanalyse zur Untersuchung von Kaufentscheidungen., poster presented at the "Net's work" congress, 11/12-11/13/2004, Bad Salzuflen, Germany.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M., Huemmelink, A., Warncke, J. (2004): Perceived food quality in Germany. Empirical results 1994-2004, poster presented at the The Food 21 Symposium - Towards Sustainable Production and Consumption, 04/26-04/28/2004, Uppsala, Sweden.
Warncke, J., Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2004): Determinants of the organic food demand in Germany - Longitudinal Analysis, selected paper presented at the The Food 21 Symposium - Towards Sustainable Production and Consumption. Extended Abstracts. Rapport MAT 21 Nr. 2/2004, S. 203-204.
Grebitus, C. (2003): Der Verbraucher das unbekannte Wesen - Chancen für Dirketvermarkter, selected paper presented at the Direktvermarktertag der Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein, 10/27/2003, DEULA Rends.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M., Weingarten, P., Winter, E. (2002): Auswirkungen der EU-Osterweiterung auf die Beitrittsländer - Analyse unter Berücksichtigung bestehender bi- und multilateraler Verpflichtungen, in: BROCKMEIER, M., ISERMEYER, F., VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL, S. (eds.): Liberalisierung des Weltagrarhandels - Strategien und Konsequenzen, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues 37: 183-193.
Hartmann, M. (2002): Competitiveness of the dairy sector in the Candidate Countries, in: DYKOVÁ, E., MATALOVA, V. (eds.): Pre-Accession strategy of Czech Agriculture towards EU, Proceedings of the Seminar on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of VÚZE at Pruhonice.
Hartmann, M., Wandel, J. (2002): Industrial organisation of the milk processing industry in the Baltic States: Results of an expert survey., in: RABINOWICZ, E., MARTTILA, J. (eds.): Integration of the Baltic Sea Countries to the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, Proceedings of the 66th European Seminar of the EAAE.
Giebel, A. (2000): Implications of changing general market conditions in product quality and quality assurance in the German pork production, in: Virtual conference: Sustainable Animal Production Oktober bis April 2000.
Hartmann, M. (1999): Die Wertschöfpung in der Agrar- und der Ernährungswirtschaft - Interdependenzen und Politikeinfluß -, in: Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (ed.): Wertschöpfung in der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der 7. Hochschultagung.
Bergschmidt, A., Hartmann, M. (1998): Agricultural Trade Policies and Trade Relations in Transition Countries, in: OECD (ed.), Agricultural Policies in the Baltic Countries: Proceedings of the Parnu Seminar held in September 1997.
Fock, A., Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M., Wahl, O., Weingarten, P. (1998): Development of CEEC Agriculture under Three Scenarios - Current CEEC Policies, CAP 1995/96, Agenda 2000 -, in: Brockmeier, M., Francois, J. F., Hertel, T. W., Schmitz, P. M. (eds.), Economic Transition and the Greening of Agricultural Policies: Modeling New Challenges for Agriculture and Agribusiness in Europe.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (1998): Die "effektive" Protektion der Landwirtschaft in den MOEL, in: Heissenhuber, A., Hoffmann, H., von Urff, W. (eds.), Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft in einer erweiterten EU, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V. 34.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (1998): Will Baltic Agriculture Survive after EU Accession?, in: v. Witzke, H., Tangermann, S. (eds.), Economic Transition in Central and East Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Implications for International Agricultural Trade.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (1997): Strategies for the CAP in the Pre- and Post-Accession Period, in: Agricultural Economics Research Institute (ed.), Options for National Agricultural Policies of the EU Associated Countries: Transfer of the EU Members' Experience to the Baltic Countries.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (1997): Pros and Cons of Integrating Eastern European Countries and the EU from an Economic Point of View, in: Somai, M. (eds.), Agricultural Accession of the Central and Eastern European Countries to the European Union.
Hartmann, M. (1997): Auswertung der Tagungsergebnisse zum Thema: "Erklärung und Beeinflussung von Märkten und Preisen in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft", in: Bauer, S., Herrmann, R., Kuhlmann, F. (eds.), Märkte der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft - Analyse, Einzelwirtschaftliche Strategien, staatliche Einflußnahme, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V 33.
Simons, J. (1997): Zusammenfassung der Diskussion des Arbeitskreises 1: "Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums"., in: Krekeler, Trappmann (eds.): Vorträge der 49. Hochschultagung der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bonn vom 18. Februar 1997 in Bonn. Münster 1997.
Hartmann, M. (1996): Die Osterweiterung der EU - Konsequenzen für die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft der Beitrittsländer, in: Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (ed.), Erzeugung und Vermarktung hochwertiger Nahrungsgüter - eine Herausforderung an die Landwirtschaft, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der 4. Hochschultagung, Dresden.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M., Tillack, P. (1995): Competitiveness of Czech Agriculture in the EU-Market, in: Svatos, M. (eds.), Agrarian Consequences of Entry into the EU.
Hartmann, M. (1995): Die EU-Agrarreform aus Sicht der Länder der Dritten Welt sowie Mittel- und Osteuropas, in: Grosskopf, W., Hanf, C.-H., Heidhues, F. Zeddies, J. (eds.), Die Landwirtschaft nach der EU-Agrarreform, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V..
Simons, J. (1995): Möglichkeiten zur Reduzierung des Preisrisikos auf den EU-Agrarmärkten durch Warenterminhandel., in: Grosskopf, W; Hanf, C.-H.; Heidhues, F. und Zeddies J (eds.). "Die Landwirtschaft nach der EU-Agrarreform". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V..
Simons, J., Wolffram, R. (1992): Chancen der Veredelungswirtschaft in der agrarpolitischen Entwicklung., in: Finke, Linscheid (eds.):Vorträge der 44. Hochschultagung der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bonn vom 25. Februar 1992 in Münster..
Klink-Lehmann, J., Hagen, K., Schaffrin, A. (2021): Power relations and normative elements in social transformation - TA research strategies for a transparent discourse on bioeconomy policy, in: R. Lindner, M. E. Decker, N. B. Heyen, S. Lingner, C. Scherz, & M. Sotoudeh (ed.), Gesellschaftliche Transformationen Vol. 22: 347-356, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
Simons, J., Hinrichs, A. (2021): Die Initiative Tierwohl der deutschen Ernährungswirtschaft, in: Wellbrock, W., Ludin, D. (eds), Nachhaltiger Konsum: 769-781, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, Link.
Simons, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., Hartmann, M. (2021): Nachhaltigerer privater Konsum: Eine informations- und verhaltensökonomische Perspektive, in: Wellbrock, W., Ludin, D. (eds), Nachhaltiger Konsum: 17-31, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, Link.
Simons, J., Lenders, D., Hartmann, M. (2020): Die Bedeutung der Strategien des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels in Deutschland für die Landwirtschaft, in: Die künftige Rolle des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels in der Wertschöpfungskette – Chancen, Perspektiven, Risiken: 7-33, Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, Band 36.
Maschkowski, G. (2019): Ernährungskommunikation - alltagstauglich, salutogen und transformativ, Hochschulschriften zur Nachhaltigkeit, 83.
Simons, J. (2019): Die Intensivtierhaltung aus Verbrauchersicht, in: Tagungsband zur 2. Tierwohltagung des Promotionsprogramms, 'Animal Welfare in Intensive Livestock Production Systems', Transformationsprozesse in der intensiven Nutztierhaltung: 10-12, Göttingen, 17.-18.10.2019, Link.
Maschkowski, G., Schäpke, N., Langen, N., Grabs, J. (2017): Learning from Co-Founders of Grassroots Initiatives: Personal Resilience, Transition, and Behavioral Change – a Salutogenic Approach., in: Henfrey, T., Maschkowski, G., Penha-Lopez, G.: Resilience, Community Action and Societal Transformation , Permanent Publications, East Meon: 65-84, Permanent Publications, East Meon.
Civai, C., Hawes, D. (2016): Game Theory in Neuroeconomics, in: Neuroeconomics XI(511): 13-37, Springer, Link.
Klink-Lehmann, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2016): Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeit – Eine vergleichende Analyse des Schokoladen-und Fruchtsaftsektors., in: Willers, C., CSR und Lebensmittelwirtschaft: 226-240, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Link.
Haß, J., Hartmann, M. (2015): Schulobstprogramm in NRW: Untersuchung der Effekte auf das Ernährungsverhalten der Kinder unter Einbeziehung des elterlichen Verzehrsverhaltens und der Verteilungshäufigkeit der Obst und Gemüseprodukte., in: Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes USL 180, Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkt „Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft“, Link.
Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2015): Der Verbraucher im Ernährungsmarkt, in: Bala, C., Müller, K. (Hrsg.), Aschenputtel und Otto Normalverbraucher : Beiträge zur Verbraucherforschung: Leitbilder, Informationen, Konsum und Demokratie, Klartext-Verlag, Essen, Ruhr.
Klink, J., Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2015): The individual search behavior of consumers visualized by means of sequence analysis., in: Mußhoff et al. (eds.) Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Neue Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. 50: 355-364, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster, Link.
Vierboom, C., Härlen, I., Simons, J. (2015): Kommunikation im Perspektivenwechsel – Eine Analyse der Chancen zum Dialog zwischen Landwirten und Verbrauchern., in: Die Landwirtschaft im Spiegel von Verbrauchern und Gesellschaft. 21: 97-134, Schriftenreihe der Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Frankfurt a.M.
Wildraut, C., Plesch, G., Härlen, I., Simons, J., Hartmann, M., Ziron, M., Mergenthaler, M. (2015): Multimethodische Bewertung von Schweinehaltungsverfahren durch Verbraucher anhand von Videos aus realen Schweineställen., in: Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes USL, Nr. 179, 105 Seiten, Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bonn.
Berg, E., Hartmann, M., Kliebisch, C., Klink, J., Lendle, M., Rickert, S. (2014): Nachhaltigkeit erfolgreich umsetzen, in: Nachhaltigkeit in in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft - Motivation, Hemmnisse und Kommunikation. Bonn: 47-51, Institut für Nachhaltiges Management e. V. (Eds.).
Hartmann, M., Hesse, J. W. (2014): Agriculture and Food in the 21st Century - Economic, Environmental and Social Challenges, Festschrift on the Occasion of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Michael Schmitz 65th Birthday. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien., Link.
Hartmann, M., Simons, J., Dutta, K. (2014): Farm Animal Welfare: A challenge for markets and policy, in: Hartmann, M., Hesse, J. W. (eds.) Agriculture and Food in the 21st Century - Economic, Environmental and Social Challenges, Festschrift on the Occasion of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Michael Schmitz 65th Birthday, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien.
Klink, J., Sommer, F., Hartmann, M. (2014): Kommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit, in: Nachhaltigkeit in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft - Motivation, Hemmnisse und Kommunikation. Bonn: 24-46, Institut für Nachhaltiges Management e. V. (Eds.).
Langen, N., Janßen, D. (2014): Was Konsumenten wollen: Über die Auszeichnung der Spendenhöhe von Cause-related Marketing-Kampagnen, in: Schrader, U. and Muster, V. (Eds.): Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Wege zu mehr Glaubwürdigkeit und Sichtbarkeit. Marburg: 257-276, Metropolis-Verlag.
Langen, N., Sahinol, M. (2014): Mysterious numbers in the German discussion of household food waste., in: Bellucci, S., Bröchler, S., Decker, M., Nentwich, M., Rey, L., Sotoudeh, M. (Eds.): Vordenken – mitdenken – nachdenken. Technologiefolgenabschätzung im Dienst einer pluralistischen Politik. Berlin: Edition Sigma, forthcoming.
Noga, G., Hartmann, M., von Germeten, J.-P., Tartachnyk, I. (2014): Handlungsempfehlungen, in: Das Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW – Eine positive Bilanz der Partnerschaft zwischen Ernährungswirtschaft und Schulen: 51-56, Herausgeber Dennis Schillmöller, Bettina Hundt, 1. Auflage , Bonn, S. 51-56.
Valentiner, B., von Germeten, J.-P. (2014): Schulungen für Kinder in Warenkunde bei Obst & Gemüse sowie Hygiene im Alltag, in: Das Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW – Eine positive Bilanz der Partnerschaft zwischen Ernährungswirtschaft und Schulen‘: 31-38, Herausgeber Dennis Schillmöller, Bettina Hundt, 1. Auflage , Bonn.
von Germeten, J.-P., Hartmann, M., Hirsch, S. (2014): Verwaltung Logistik, Zusammenarbeit: Die Teilnahme am Programm aus Lieferantensicht, in: ‘Das Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW – Eine positive Bilanz der Partnerschaft zwischen Ernährungswirtschaft und Schulen‘: 19-30, Dennis Schillmöller, Bettina Hundt, 1. Auflage , Bonn.
von Germeten, J.-P., Tartachnyk, I., Hirsch, S., Noga, G., Hartmann, M. (2014): Fallstudie “Snack & Convenience: Eine Alternative im Schulobstprogramm?”, in: ‘Das Schulobst- und -gemüseprogramm NRW – Eine positive Bilanz der Partnerschaft zwischen Ernährungswirtschaft und Schulen‘: 39-50, Herausgeber Dennis Schillmöller, Bettina Hundt, 1. Auflage , Bonn, S.39-50.
Höllmer, J. P., Hartmann, M. (2013): EU School Fruit Scheme: Strengthening Local Businesses, in: Rickert, U. and Schiefer, G. (Eds.): Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2013: 381-394, online publication, Download.
Heinen, S., Hartmann, M. (2013): Corporate Social Responsibility in the German Pork Industry: Relevance and Determinants, in: Rickert, U. and Schiefer, G. (Eds.): Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2013: 25-46, online publication, Link.
Langen, N. (2013): Ethics in Consumer Choice – An Analysis based on the Example of Coffee, Springer-Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Langen, N. (2012): Wie bedeutsam sind ethische Aspekte bei Kaufentscheidungen? Erkenntnisse aus fünf Verbraucherstudien., in: Decker, M.; Grunwald, A.; Knapp, M. (Eds): Der Systemblick auf Innovation – Technikfolgenabschätzung in der Technikgestaltung, Berlin: Edition Sigma.
Langen, N., Hartmann, M. (2012): Chocolate Brands’ Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany, in: Rickert, U. and Schiefer, G. (Eds.): Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2012: 680-691, online Publication, Link.
Büning-Felsel, M., Maschkowski, G. (2011): Der essende Mensch zwischen Informationsflut und Panikmache- vom mehr oder weniger verdaulichen Informationsmenü, in: aid infodienst (Hrsg.) Mehr als wir verdauen können: Strategien zum Umgang mit der Informationsflut - Tagungsband zum 13. aid-Forum.: 6-12, aid, Bonn.
Chaddad, F., Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Future Research on Agri-food Chain Relationships, in: Agri-food Chain Relationships: 267-280, CAB International, Oxford.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Agri-food Chain Relationships, CAB International, Oxford.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M. (2010): Introduction and Overview: Analysing Inter-organizational Relationships in Agri-food Chains, in: Fischer, C. Hartmann, M. (eds) Agri-food chain Relationships: 11-21, CAB International, Oxford.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N., Leat, P., Revoredo-Giha, C., Henchion, M., Gracia, A., Albisu, L. M. (2010): Determinants of Sustainable Agri-food Chain Relationships in Europe, in: Fischer, C. Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships: 119-134, CAB International, Oxford.
Hartmann, M., Frohberg, K., Fischer, C. (2010): Building Sustainable Relationships in Agri-food Chains: Challenges from Farm to Retail, in: Fischer, C. Hartmann, M. (eds.), Agri-food Chain Relationships: 25-44, CAB International, Oxford.
Hartmann, M., Hoffmann, J., Simons, J. (2010): Behavioural Economics and the Theory of Social Structure: Relevance for Understanding Inter-Organizational Relationships, in: Fischer, C.; Hartmann, M. (Eds.), Agri-food Chain Relationships: 267-280, CAB International, Oxford.
Langen, N. (2010): Fairer Handel und Spenden aus Konsumentensicht, in: Aichholzer, G. et al. (2010): Technology Governance: Der Beitrag der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Gesellschaft - Technik - Umwelt. Neue Folge 13., Berlin: Edition Sigma.
Berg, E., Hartmann, M., Heckelei, T., Holm-Müller, K., Schiefer, G. (2009): Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. 44, Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup, Link.
Langen, N., Grebitus, C., Hartmann, M. (2009): Fair Trade and Donations: two possibilities to contribute to poverty alleviation in daily purchase decisions – Do consumers care, in: Klein, A. and Thoresen, V. (eds.): Making a Difference: Putting Consumer Citizenship into Action, Consumer Citizenship: Promoting New Responses, Vol. 5, pp. 60-73., --.
Verhagen, A., Härlen, I., Simons, J. (2009): Public Perceptions about Nanotechnology - Representative survey and basic morphological-psychological study, in: Zimmer, R.; Hertel, R.; Böl, G.-F. (eds.):, BfR-Wissenschaft 01/2009.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N. (2008): Business Relationships and Communication in European Agri-Food Chains, in: Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N. (2008): Key factors influencing economic relationships and communication in European agri-food chains. Main findings from the EU-financed research project FOODCOMM.: 4-17, Verlag.
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N. (2008): Key factors influencing economic relationships and communication in European agri-food chains. Main findings from the EU-financed research project FOODCOMM.: 4-17, Results Booklet, Bonn.
Grebitus, C. (2008): Food quality from the consumer’s perspective: An empirical analysis of perceived pork quality. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kiel University, Germany, Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, Germany.
Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N. (2008): Key factors influencing economic relationships and communication in European agri-food chains. Main findings from the EU-financed research project FOODCOMM, Results Booklet, Bonn.
Simons, J., Vierboom, C., Härlen, I. (2008): Wahrnehmung der Nanotechnologie in der Bevölkerung – Repräsentativerhebung und morphologisch-psychologische Grundlagenstudie, in: Zimmer, R.; Hertel, R., Böl, G.-F. (Hrsg.), BfR Wissenschaft, 5/2008, Berlin, -.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2007): Food quality from a consumer’s perspective, in: Theuvsen, L.; Spiller, A.; Peupert, M. and G. Jahn (eds.): Quality management in food chains: 243-254, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Fischer, C. (2007): The Influence of Immigration and International Tourism on the Import Demand for Consumer Goods – A Theoretical Model, in: In Matias, Á., Nijkamp, P. and Neto, P. (eds.), “Advances in Modern Tourism Research: Economic Perspectives”: 37-50.
Grebitus, C., Yue, C., Bruhn, M., Jensen, H. (2007): Milk-Marketing: Impact of perceived quality on consumption patterns, in: Canavari M.; Regazzi D. and R. Spadoni (eds.): International marketing and international trade of quality food products. Proceedings CD-ROM of the 105th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Bologna, March 8-10, 2007: 215-212, Avenue Media, Bologna, Italy.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2007): Acrylamid in Lebensmitteln – Ändert Risikokommunikation das Verbraucherverhalten?, BfR Wissenschaft, Berlin.
Hartmann, M., Rudloff, B., Heckelei, T. (2007): Food Regulation and Trade: Institutional Framework, Concepts of Analysis and Empirical Evidence, in: Special Issue: Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, Vol 4(1), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York.
Rudloff, B., Simons, J. (2007): Herausforderungen für TA im Kontext von Mulit-Level-Governance., in: Bora, A., Bröchler, S., Decker, M. (Hrsg.): Technology Assessment in der Weltgesellschaft: 229-240, Edition Sigma, Berlin.
Schiefer, J., Hartmann, M. (2007): Erfolgsfaktoren und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Ernährungsindustrie - Analyse und Bewertung., in: Schriftenreihe der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank (Band 22): Zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft - politische, institutionelle und betriebliche Herausforderungen: 55-106, Frankfurt a.M..
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C. (2006): Wahrnehmung und Nutzung von Qualitätsindikatoren bei Schweinefleisch, in: Schriftenreihe der Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät: 145-151, Universität Kiel, vol. 108.
Fischer, C., Gonzalez, M., Henchion, M., Leat, P. (2006): Factors Influencing Trust-Supporting Mechanisms in European Agri-Food Chains., in: Fritz, M., Rickert, U. and Schiefer, G. (eds.), „Trust and Risk in Business Networks“: 75-86, fehlt noch.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2006): Akzeptanz organisatorischer und technologischer Innovationen in der Landwirtschaft bei Verbrauchern und Landwirten., in: Organisatorische und technologische Innovationen in der Landwirtschaft. Schriftenreihe der Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Band 21, Frankfurt a.M.: 171-209, fehlt noch.
Maschkowski, G. (2006): Lebensmittelbestrahlung, in: Koerber v. K., Männle, T. und C. Leitzmann: Vollwert-Ernährung – Konzeption einer zeitgemäßen und nachhaltigen Ernährung. 10. Aufl. (auch 9. Aufl. 1999 und 8. Aufl 1993): 138-141, Haug, Stuttgart.
Maschkowski, G. (2006): Mikrowellenerhitzung, in: In: Koerber v. K., Männle, T. und C. Leitzmann: Vollwert-Ernährung – Konzeption einer zeitgemäßen und nachhaltigen Ernährung. 10. Aufl. (auch 9. Aufl. 1999 und 8. Aufl 1993): 145-148, Haug, Stuttgart.
Rudloff, B., Simons, J. (2006): European Governance of food safety., in: Hofmann, H.C.H., Türk, A. (eds.): EU Administrative Governance: 146-184, MPG Books Ltd., Bodmin, Cornwall.
Beukert, C., Hartmann, M., Simons, J. (2005): "Cost driver in the organic meat market in Germany - specific problem of the organic sector?", in: KÖPKE, U.; NIGGLI, U.; NEUHOFF, D.; CORNISH, P.; LOCKERETZ, W.; WILLER, H. (eds.): Proceedings ISOFAR Conference "Researching Sustainable Systems",September 21-23, 2005: 374-377, Bonn.
Bruhn, M., Grebitus, C., Huemmelink, A. (2005): Die Bedeutung kognitiver Strukturen im Rahmen des Qualitätsurteils der Verbraucher – am Beispiel von Schweinefleisch, in: Hagedorn, K.; Nagel, U.J. and M. Odening (eds.): Umwelt- und Produktqualität im Agrarbereich: 91-100, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., vol. 40.
Grebitus, C., Bruhn, M. (2005): Food quality from a consumer’s point of view: Applying network analysis, in: Blogowski, A.; Lagrange, L. and E. Valceschini (eds.): In the name of quality – What kind of quality, for which kind of demand(s)?. Actes du Colloque SFER: 67-76, Enita Clermont; Colloque international.
Hartmann, M., Schornberg, S. (2005): Wertschöpfungskette Fleisch – Internationale Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen für den Standort Deutschland., in: Band 130 der Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes „Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft“, Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität., fehlt noch.
Rudloff, B., Simons, J. (2005): Verbraucherschutzpolitik in einer globalisierten Welt., in: Bora, A.; Decker, M.; Grunewald, A.; Renn, O. (eds.): Technik in einer fragilen Welt. Die Rolle der Technologiefolgeabschätzung. Berlin.: 173-182, Edition Sigma, Berlin.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2004): Die Informationsflut bewältigen. Über den Umgang mit Informationen zu Lebensmittel aus psychologischer Sicht. Schriftenreihe der Dr. Rainer Wild Stiftung Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.
Braun, C. (2003): Ernährungskonzepte - Herausforderungen in der Klientenbetreuung und -beratung., in: Kieß, E. (eds.): Erfolgskonzept Personal-Training, VDM-Verlag.
Hartmann, M., Müller, M. (2003): Tierproduktion im ökonomischen, ökologischen und ethischen Spannungsfeld., in: Lode, E.-J., Ellendorff, F. (eds.): Perspektiven der Tierproduktion. Landbauforschung Völkenrode: 3-14, fehlt noch.
Braun, C. (2002): Ernährungskonzepte im Personal Training., in: Kieß, E. (eds.): Personal-Training. Idee, Konzept, Marketing., VDM-Verlag 2002.
Hartmann, M. (2002): Sozdanie dobavlennoj stoimosti v agroprodovol'stvennych otrasljach ekonomiki [Wertschöpfung im Agrar- und Ernährungssektor], in: ROSSIISKAJA AKADEMIJA SEL'SKOCHOZJAISTVENNYCH NAUK [Russische Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften] (ed.): Razvitie agrarnogo rynka [Entwicklung des Agrarmarktes]: 42-54, fehlt noch.
Braun, C. (2001): Themenreihe zu Ernährungsgrundlagen für Speed-Skater., in: Baumgartner, S. (eds.): "InlineSkate", fehlt noch.
Brosig, S., Hartmann, M. (2001): Analysis of Food Consumption in Central and Eastern Europe: Relevance and Empirical Methods, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 13, Kiel.
Härlen, I., Simons, J., Vierboom, C. (2001): Glaubwürdigkeit beim Verbraucher erreichen, aber wie? - Ergebnisse einer kommunikationspsychologischen Analyse des Verbrauchervertrauens in die Landwirtschaft., in: DLG (ed.): In: Mehr Beachtung und Glaubwürdigkeit finden - aber wie?, fehlt noch.
Quaisser, W., Hartmann, M., Hönekopp, E., Brandmeier, M. (2000): Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union: Konsequenzen für Wohlstand und Beschäftigung in Europa, Bonn.
Quaisser, W., Hartmann, M., Hönekopp, E., Brandmeier, M. (2000): Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union: Konsequenzen für Wohlstand und Beschäftigung in Europa, Bonn.
Simons, J. (2000): Ökonomische Bewertung Regionaler Vermarktungssysteme bei Fleisch., in: Dachverband Agrarforschung (ed.), Regionale Vermarktungssysteme in der Land-, Ernährungs- und Forstwirtschaft -Chancen, Probleme und Bewertung-, Schriftenreihe agrarspectrum 30: 130-146, Frankfurt a.M..
Simons, J., Wolffram, R. (2000): Die deutsche Landwirtschaft mit Agenda 2000, in: "Das vereinigte Deutschland auf dem Weg in das 21. Jahrhundert". Herausforderungen und Chancen für den Geographieunterricht.: 76-80, fehlt noch.
Eiteljörge, U., Hartmann, M. (1999): Central-Eastern-European Food Chains Competitiveness, in: ISMEA (ed.), The European Agro-Food System and the Challenge of Global Competition: 187-224, fehlt noch.
Frohberg, K., Hartmann, M. (1999): Adjusting the Common Agricultural Policy for an EU East Enlargement: Alternatives and Impacts on the Central European Associates (CEAs), in: Gabrisch, H. (eds.), EU Enlargement and its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe: 177-197, fehlt noch.
Hartmann, M., Wandel, J. (1999): Food Processing and Distribution in Transition Economies: Problems and Perspectives, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 3, Kiel.
Hartmann, M., Wandel, J. (1999): Introduction, in: Food Processing and Distribution in Transition Economies: Problems and Perspectives, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe 3: 1-9, fehlt noch.
Hartmann, M. (1998): Implications of EU-East-Enlargement for the CAP, in: Ingersent, K. A., Rayner, A. J., Hine, R. C. (eds.), The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, Ipswich, Suffolk: 54-75, fehlt noch.
Simons, J. (1995): Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Planungssicherheit in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben durch Warenterminmärkte für Schlachtschweine und Kartoffeln, fehlt noch.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P., von Witzke, H. (1994): Agricultural Trade and Economic Integration in Europe and in North America, Kiel.
Simons, J. (1994): Arbeitswirtschaftliche und ökonomische Planungsdaten für die Zuckerrübenernte mit Beurteilung der Aussagekraft von KTBL-Planungsdaten, fehlt noch.
Hartmann, M. (1993): Die Studie im Überblick, in: SCHMITZ, P. M., HARTMANN, M. (Hrsg.), Landwirtschaft und Chemie – Simulationsstudie zu den Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Mineraldüngern und Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus ökonomischer Sicht: 1-33, Kiel.
Hartmann, M. (1993): Nationale und internationale Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Stickstoffdünger und Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der deutschen Landwirtschaft, in: SCHMITZ, P. M., HARTMANN, M. (Eds.), Landwirtschaft und Chemie -– Simulationsstudie zu den Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Mineraldüngern und Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus ökonomischer Sicht: 229-252, Kiel.
Hartmann, M., Matthews, A. (1993): EC and International Implications of Chemical Restriction in Agriculture, in: SOARES, F. B. (Eds.), EC Agricultural Policy by the End of the Century, Kiel.
Hartmann, M., Wiegand, S. (1993): Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Mineraldüngern und Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Landwirtschaft, Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Expertenbefragung, in: SCHMITZ, P. M., HARTMANN, M. (Hrsg.), Landwirtschaft und Chemie -– Simulationsstudie zu den Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Mineraldüngern und Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus ökonomischer Sicht: 34-109, Kiel.
Schmitz, P., Hartmann, M. (1993): Landwirtschaft und Chemie - Simulationsstudie zu den Auswirkungen einer Reduzierung des Einsatzes von Mineraldüngern und Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus ökonomischer Sicht, Kiel.
Hartmann, M. (1992): Die Interessen der Entwicklungsländer an der Liberalisierung der Agrarpolitik der Industrieländer, in: HERRMANN, R., SELL, F. L. (Eds.), Wirtschaftliche Liberalisierung in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern, Schriften des Zentrums für regionale Entwicklungsforschung der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen: 99-144, Hamburg.
Hartmann, M. (1992): Einfluss alternativer Wechselkursregime auf den internationalen Agrarhandel, in: TANGERMANN, S., SCHMITT, G. (Hrsg.), Internationale Agrarpolitik und Entwicklung der Weltagrarwirtschaft, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V., Bd. 28: 77-88, Münster-Hiltrup.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1992): Free Trade Versus Supply Control - The Case of the European Community, in: BECKER, T., GRAY, R., SCHMITZ, A. (Eds.), Improving Agricultural Trade Performance under the GATT: 104-121, Kiel.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1992): Impact of EC's Rebalancing Strategy on Developing Countries -The Case of Feed-, in: BELLAMY, M., GREENSHIELDS, B. (Hrsg.), Issues in Agricultural Developmen: 51-61, Aldershot.
Hartmann, M. (1991): Die neue Importsubstitutionspolitik im EG-Agrarbereich - Analyse und Bewertung, in: SCHMITZ, P. M., WEINDLMAIER, H. (Eds.), Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Europäischen Binnenmarkt und in der internationalen Arbeitsteilung, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V., Bd. 27: 351-361, Münster-Hiltrup.
Hartmann, M. (1991): Wohlfahrtsmessung auf interdependenten und verzerrten Märkten - Die Europäische Agrarpolitik aus Sicht der Entwicklungsländer, Dissertation, Agrarökonomische Studien, Bd. 16, Kiel.
Hartmann, M., Henrichsmeyer, W., Schmitz, P. (1991): Political Economy of the Common Agricultural Policy in the European Community, in: DASGUPTA, P. (Eds.), Issues in Contemporary Economics: 72-97, Worcester.
Hartmann, M. (1990): Discussion of the First Day of the 23 rd EAAE Seminar on Costs and Benefits of Agricultural Policies and Projects in the European Community, in: VAN DEN NOORT, P. C. (Eds.), Costs and Benefits of Agricultural Policies and Projects: 304-306, Kiel.
Hartmann, M. (1990): Measurement in Price Distorted and Underdeveloped Economies of Africa, in: CAMPAGNE, P., CHATAIGNER, J. (Eds.), Producers and Consumers versus Agricultural and Food Policy in Africa: 245-262, Montpellier.
Hartmann, M. (1990): Notwendigkeit und Möglichkeiten der Steuerung des technischen Fortschritts - Überlegungen aus Sicht der Verbraucher, in: BUCHHOLZ H. E., NEANDER, E., SCHRADER, H. (Eds.), Technischer Fortschritt in der Landwirtschaft - Tendenzen, Auswirkungen, Beeinflussung, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaft des Landbaues e. V., Bd. 26: 358-360, Münster-Hiltrup.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1990): Efficiency and Distributional Effects of EC Policy Reforms, in: VAN DEN NOORT, P. C. (Eds.), Costs and Benefits of Agricultural Policies and Projects: 101-111, Kiel.
Hartmann, M. (1989): Discussion of the paper ‘Tariffs, Agricultural Performance and Regional Disparities within a General Equilibrium Framework: The Brazilian Case’ von M. da C. Sampaio de Sousa, in: MAUNDER, A. H., VALDES, A. (Eds.), Agriculture and Governments in an Interdependent World: 180, Aldershot.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1989): Neuere Entwicklungen in der Angewandten Wohlfahrtsökonomie, in: HANF, C.-H., SCHEPER, W. (Eds.), Neuere Forschungskonzepte und -methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirt-schafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V., Bd. 25: 67-76, Münster-Hiltrup.
Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P. (1988): Allokations- und Verteilungswirkungen von Quotenregelungen, in: HENRICHSMEYER, W., LANGBEHN, C. (Eds.) Wirtschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher agrarpolitischer Konzepte, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V., Bd. 24: 137-155, Münster-Hiltrup.
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