
Veröffentlichungen (peer-reviewed)

Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)

  • Bach, L., Weingarten, N., Meyer, K.B., Yeh, C.-H., Dolgopolova, I., Wang, W.-X., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2024): Der virtuelle Supermarkt als innovative Forschungsinfrastruktur: Experiment zur Erhöhung der Salienz für Fleischprodukte mit höherem Haltungsstandard. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. Link
  • Weingarten, N., Bach, L., Roosen, J., Hartmann, M. (2024): Every step you take: Nudging animal welfare product purchases in a virtual supermarket. Appetite, 197, 107316. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Block, J.B., Hermann, D. & Mußhoff, O. (2024). Agricultural soils in climate change mitigation: comparing action-based and results-based programmes for carbon sequestration. Climatic Change, 177(8): 130. Link
  • Block, J.B., Michels, M., Mußhoff, O., & Hermann, D. (2024). How to reduce the carbon footprint of the agricultural sector? Factors influencing farmers’ decision to participate in carbon sequestration programs. Journal of Environmental Management, 359: 121019. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Aladesuru, D. T., Cechura, L., Neuenfeldt, S., Kuhn, T., Kristkova, Z. S., Kroupová, Z. Ž., Ratinger, T., Gocht, A., Müller, M., Storm, H. (2024): Impacts of agricultural production decisions on the safe and just operating space: A systematic literature review. Q Open. Link
  • Shang, L., Wang, J., Schäfer, D., Heckelei, T., Gall, J., Appel, F., Storm, H. (2024): Surrogate modelling of a detailed farm-level model using deep learning. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75:235–260. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Bacud, E. S., Gerullis, M., Puskur, R. and Heckelei, T. (2024): Looking at gender is not enough—How diversity of farmers’ marginalization relates to varietal trait preferences, Food Policy 124 (102616): 1-18, Link
  • Khanna, M., Atallah, S. S., Heckelei, T., Wu, L. and Storm, H. (2024): Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture, Annual Review of Resource Economics 16: 41-6, Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Haddad, S., Escobar, N., Bruckner, M., Britz, W. (2024): Subsidizing extensive cattle production in the European Union has major implications for global agricultural trade and climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141074. Link
  • Miranda, J., Britz, W., Börner, J. (2024): Impacts of commodity prices and governance on the expansion of tropical agricultural frontiers. Scientific Reports, 14:9209. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Damm, Y., Börner, J., Gerber, N., Soares-Filho, B. (2024): Health benefits of reduced deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Communications Earth & Environment 5(1): 639. Link
  • Schulz, D., Stetter C., Muro, J., Spekker, J., Börner, J., Cord, A.F., Finger, R. (2024): Trade-offs between grassland plant biodiversity and yields are heterogenous across Germany. Communications Earth & Environment 5(1): 514. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Wuepper, D. et al. Agri-environmental policies from 1960 to 2022. Nature Food 5, 323–331 (2024). Link
  • Dureti, G. G.,  Tabe-Ojong, M. P., &  Owusu-Sekyere, E. (2023). The new normal? Cluster farming and smallholder commercialization in Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics,  54, 900–920. Link
  • Wuepper, David, et al. "Public policies and global forest conservation: Empirical evidence from national borders." Global Environmental Change 84 (2024): 102770. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Asioli, D., Lemken, D., Schoppa F. (2024): Attention to carbon footprints in food choices and the crowding out effect of attention-leading nudges. Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (8): 8493-8507. Link
  • Lemken, D. (2024): Options to design more ethical and still successful default nudges: a review and recommendations. Behavioural Public Policy 8 (2): 349-381. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

  • Finger, R., Schneider, K., Candel, J., & Möhring, N. (2024). Europe needs better pesticide policies to reduce impacts on biodiversity. Food Policy, 125, 102632. Link
  • Ziehmann, E., Möhring, N., & Finger, R. (2024). Economics of herbicide‐free crop production. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. Link

Weitere Veröffentlichungen der AG

Diskussionspapierreihe 'Food and Resource Economics'

Die Reihe "Food and Resource Economics, Discussion Papers" enthält Manuskripte, die in einer überarbeiteten Fassung möglicherweise später in Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht wurden. Auch in diesem Fall ist ein Link zur neueren Veröffentlichung angegeben. Kommentare und Kritiken sind willkommen und sollten direkt an die Autor*innen gerichtet werden. Alle Zitate aus den Diskussionsbeiträgen müssen mit den Autor*innen abgeklärt werden (Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. T. Heckelei).


Britz, W. (2025): How to solve large recursive-dynamic Computable General Equilibrium models. Discussion Paper 2025:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Britz, W. and Storm, H. (2025): Surrogate modelling of a multi-regional global Computable General Equilibrium model to optimize a global social welfare function. Discussion Paper 2025:2.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Roman, S., Hadi and Wüpper, D. (2024): Agricultural Mechanization Around the World. Discussion Paper 2024:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Seidel, C., Shang, L. and Britz, W. (2023): A critical assessment of neural networks as meta-model of a farm optimization model. Discussion Paper 2023:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Haddad, S., Escobar, N., Bruckner, M. (2022): Promoting extensive cattle production in the European Union has major implications for global agricultural trade and climate change. Discussion Paper 2022:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Heckelei, T., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Rommel, J. (2021): The replicability crisis and the p-value debate – what are the consequences for the agricultural and food economics community?. Discussion Paper 2021:2.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Pahmeyer, C., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): Single plots or shares of land - How modeling of crop choices in bio-economic farm models influences simulation results. Discussion Paper 2021:1. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Britz, W. (2020): Automated calibration of farm-scale mixed linear programming models using bi-level programming. Discussion Paper 2020:4. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Britz, W. (2020): Maintaining plausible calorie intakes, crop yields and crop land expansion in long-run simulations with Computable General Equilibrium Models. Discussion Paper 2020:2. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Jafari, Y., Britz, W., Dudu, H., Roson, R., Sartori, M. (2020): Can Food Waste Reduction in Europe Help to Increase Food Availability and Reduce Pressure on Natural Resources Globally?. Discussion Paper 2020:1. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Latka, C., Heckelei, T., Kuhn, A., Witzke, H.-P., Kornher, L. (2020): CAP measures towards environmental sustainability: Trade opportunities for Africa?. Discussion Paper 2020:295. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Pahmeyer, C., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2020): ‘Fruchtfolge’: A crop rotation decision support system for optimizing cropping choices with big data and spatially explicit modeling. Discussion Paper 2020:6. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Schäfer, D., Britz, W., Kuhn, T. (2020): Modelling policy induced manure transports at large scale using an agent-based simulation model. Discussion Paper 2020:5.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Spiegel, A., Severini, S., Britz, W., Coletta, A. (2020): Step-by-step development of a model simulating returns on farm from investments: the example of hazelnut plantation in Italy. Discussion Paper 2020:3. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Wilts, R., Latka, C., Britz, W. (2020): Who is Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Induced Yield Changes? A Dynamic Long Run Household Analysis in Lower Income Countries. Discussion Paper 2020:7. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Jouan, J., Heinrichs, J., Britz, W., Pahmeyer, C. (2019): Integrated assessment of legume production challenged by European policy interaction: a case-study approach from French and German dairy farms. Discussion Paper 2019:2. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Storm, H., Heckelei, T., Baylis, K., Mittenzwei, K. (2019): Identifying effects of farm subsidies on structural change using neural networks. Discussion Paper 2019:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Kuhn, T., Schäfer, D. (2018): A farm typology for North Rhine-Westphalia to assess agri-environmental policies. Discussion Paper 2018:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Amrouk, E. M., Grosche, S., Heckelei, T. (2017): An analysis of the interdependence between cash crop and staple food futures prices. Discussion Paper 2017:4. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Kuhn, T. (2017): The revision of the German Fertiliser Ordinance in 2017. Discussion Paper 2017:2.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Spiegel, A., Britz, W., Djanibekov, U., Finger, R. (2017): Policy analysis of perennial energy crops cultivation at the farm level: the case of short rotation coppice (SRC) in Germany. Discussion Paper 2017:3. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Jafari, Y., Britz, W. (2016): Prospects of the Food Processing Sector under Tariff and Non-Tariff Measures Liberalization in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Discussion Paper 2016:1. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Spiegel, A., Britz, W., Djanibekov, U., Finger, R. (2016): Monte-Carlo Simulation and Stochastic Programming in Real Options Valuation: the Case of Perennial Energy Crop Cultivation. Discussion Paper 2016:3. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Zavelberg, Y., Storm, H. (2016): Pricing behaviour of cooperatives and investor-owned dairies under spatial competition. Discussion Paper 2016:2.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Britz, W., Drud, A., van der Mensbrugghe, D. . (2015): Reducing unwanted consequences of aggregation in large-scale economic models - a systematic empirical evaluation with the GTAP model. Discussion Paper 2015:4. Revised version published as journal article.
Download: Discussion Paper, Journal Article.

Garbert, J., Holm-Müller, K. (2015): Impacts of policies to implement the EU Water Framework Directive on development strategies and income of typical pig farms in an intensively farmed region of Germany. Discussion Paper 2015:1.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Kuhn, A., Endeshaw, K. A. (2015): Trends and Drivers of Crop Biomass Demand: Sub-Saharan Africa vs the Rest of the World. Discussion Paper 2015:3.
Download: Discussion Paper.

Zhou, S. L. (2015): Going Green for Esteem: An Extended Uzawa-Lucas Model with Status Driven Environmentalism. Discussion Paper 2015:2.
Download: Discussion Paper.

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