© Uni Bonn

Call for Contributions

Stipends for young researchers

The EAAE offers stipends to support conference contributions of young researchers.

Find further details here.


Submissions closed.

Information on the acceptance of submissions will be communicated to authors no later than May 20, 2025.

Submissions closed.

Information on the acceptance of submissions will be communicated to authors no later than May 20, 2025.

General instructions


All submissions and reviews are processed in ConfTool:

Please enter all relevant data (e.g. uploads, review forms) directly in the online system.

Reviewing process

All contributed papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Reviewers include all submitting authors and co-authors as well as the professional networks of the programme committee members. Selected reviewers will receive 2 to 5 papers for review. The contributions to be reviewed can be accessed in ConfTool.

The programme committee will select the best reviewers, and these reviewers will be acknowledged during the closing ceremony of the Congress.

High-quality contributions that are not accepted for the contributed papers presentations, automatically qualify for poster presentations with the authors' consent.

Specific guidelines

Detailed instructions for the preparation of contributed papers, posters and research design presentations as well as organised sessions are outlined below.

A congress participant can only present a maximum of one (1) contributed paper or poster during the event. This rule does not preclude individuals from being co-authors of several papers or from organising multiple organised panels/sessions. 

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