Mr. Toelkes runs a certified Bioland farm in Much (37 km from Bonn). He talked to the students about his path into organic farming and about his choice of certification scheme - the latter being strongly influenced by his direct customers. Although he is clearly happy with the Bioland label and its demands, clearly the strategic marketing of the processing or retailing companies he sells to dictated this choice. Mr Toelkes is a Bioland volunteer and supporter now for many years with his milk / dairy production, rapeseed and others. He also explained how land rental contracts function for him, and more generally how farmers can be constrained by land-owners in the way they use the land they rent: practices, production system, crop rotation etc. sometime have to be agreed upon by the land-owner. This was an informative day in the sun for the participating students, and for some a first-time experience in an organic farm.
10. June 2023
AFEPA meets AFECO: Field trip to a Bioland farm in Much AFEPA meets AFECO: Field trip to a Bioland farm in Much
On June 10th, a group of AFEPA and AFECO students visited an organic farm in the region of Bonn.
Field trip to a Bioland farm in Much
© Nicolas Gerber
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