07. September 2023

ILR Researchers Enjoyed the EAAE Congress in Rennes ILR Researchers Enjoyed the EAAE Congress in Rennes

The ILR in Rennes
The ILR in Rennes © ILR
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End of August around 30 motivated researchers from our Institute set out on the journey to the Bretagne in France.

The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) held their congress in the beautiful city of Rennes. A very diverse program ranging from presentations from researchers all across Europe, poster sessions to cultural and sportive events in the evenings made this a great trip. One of the highlights were the excursions that brought us to see the breton coast, the Josselin castle, algae production, organic pig farms and much more.

After having missed such events during the last few years, we enjoyed seeing (former) colleagues and getting in touch with new people.

Josselin Castle
Josselin Castle © ILR
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