Anna Massfeller
  • Institute for Food and Resource Economics
Research topics
  • Acceptance and Adoption of Innovation
  • Agri-environmental policy
  • Behavioral Economics
I am a Doctoral Student in Agricultural Economics with a passion for behavioral economics and farmers´ motivations. I am interested in the various factors that influence farmers decision making. By exploring these factors I want to contribute to the development of environmental beneficially and farmer friendly policies.
Selected publications

Massfeller, A., Meraner, M., Huettel, S., and Uehleke, R. (2022). Data on farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes. In Data in Brief. DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2022.108642

Massfeller, A., Meraner, M., Huettel, S., and Uehleke, R. (2022). Farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes: A German perspective. In Land Use Policy. DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106281

Anna Massfeller
Anna Massfeller


Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

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