Monja Sauvagerd
Monja Sauvagerd
M.A. in Political Sciences
Research topics
  • Digital innovation in the agricultural sector
  • Platform economics
  • Governance and regulation of digital agriculture
My research examines how digital smart-farming platforms reshape economic relationships in the agricultural sector. It identifies stakeholders driving industry evolution and analyzes the interplay of corporate power and emerging technologies shaping the global political economy of digital agriculture. Digital agricultural platforms offer immense potential for addressing climate change, food security, and environmental degradation, but they also risk intensifying market concentration and power imbalances. Hence, I also investigate regulatory frameworks necessary for effective governance of this sector, focusing on policies fostering innovation while ensuring robust data governance.
Selected publications

Sauvagerd, M., Mayer, M., & Hartmann, M. (2024). Digital platforms in the agricultural sector: Dynamics of oligopolistic platformisation. Big Data & Society, 11(4). Link.

Sauvagerd, Monja. "Jacinda Ardern: Entschlossenheit Und Empathie in der Pandemie," in Weltpolitische Gestaltung in Zeiten von COVID-19: Zur Rolle von Persönlichkeit und Führungsstil in der Coronakrise (Springer, 2022), 231-47.

Sauvagerd, Monja. "India's strategies in its periphery: A case study in the India-Bhutan relationship." ASIEN Journal, 146, January 2018, 56-77.

Monja Sauvagerd
Monja Sauvagerd
M.A. in Political Sciences


Nussallee 19, Haus 2

53115 Bonn

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