PhenoRob – DFG Germany’s Excellence Strategy - EXC 2070 – 390732324
Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm (Junior Research Group Leader)
Elin Martinsson (PhD Student)
Anna Massfeller (PhD Student)
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TrAgS - DFG Individual Grant (2023-2025)
Tracking the use and adoption of agricultural technologies through satellite remote sensing and self-supervised deep learning
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm (PI), together with Ribana Roscher
PhD Student
Alexa Leyens
DETECT - DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1502
Regional Climate Change: Disentangling the Role of Land Use and Water Management
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm (PI Project B04), together with Thomas Heckelei
Josef Baumert (PhD Students)
Elif Dönmez Altındal (PhD Students, Co-Supervised)
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LAMASUS - Horizon Europe (2022-2026)
Land Management for Sustainability
Horizon Europe Grant Agreement No101060423
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm (PI)
Till Kuhn
Bisrat Haile Gebrekidan
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BrightSpace - Horizon Europe (2022-2027)
Designing a Roadmap for Effective and Sustainable Strategies for Assessing and Addressing the Challenges of EU Agriculture to Navigate within a Safe and Just Operating Space
Horizon Europe Grant Agreement No 101060075
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm (PI)
Till Kuhn
Damilola Tominsin Aladesuru
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Mind-Step (2019-2023)
Mind-Step, Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies Related to Agriculture
Group Contribution
Hugo Storm Work Package leader (WP4), Task Leader T4.5
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TransformDairyNet (2024 - 2027)
TransformDairyNet: Working together to upscale Cow-Calf-Contact dariy production and beyond
Horizon Lump Sum Grant No 101133326
Group ContributionLucie Adenäuer (Economic Advisor)
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