Advanced CGE Modeling
List of Assingments
The aims of the assignments are:
- to deepen the understanding for CGE modelling by in-depth reading of selected scientific papers related to a specific aspect of CGE modeling
- to share the gained knowledge with the other students
- to foster presentation skills, especially for teaching purposes
- to share responsability for teaching and the success of the course with the instructors
General rules for pre-presence assigments
Each student will be randomly assigned to the preparation of one of the presentations below.
Please consider:
- The aim of your presentation is to inform your fellow students on the specific theme so that they are able to critically analyse model outcomes.
- Prepare a 20 minutes presentation using the provided slide template. Please train the presentation at home to make sure that you stick to the 20 minutes.
- The slides will be presented on a specific day as indicated in the course program.
- Please think about possible questions beforehand which might be asked after your presentation and prepare for them.
- Study the given starting reference(s) carefully in order to prepare your slides.
- Add, where appropriate, additional references (all references should be listed on the last slide and the PDFs have to be shared with us).
- Share the slides with us one week (!) before the presence part. Failing to provide an acceptable set of slides on time will mean that we can't grant you a certificate for the course.
Individual assigments
Day 1: Aggregation bias
Stud 1: An overview on the GTAP model
- Corong, E. L., Hertel, T. W., McDougall, R., Tsigas, M. E., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2017). The standard GTAP model, version 7. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 2(1), 1-119
- Van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2018). The Standard GTAP Model in GAMS, Version 7. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 3(1), 1-83
Stud 2: An overview on the GTAP Data Base
Stud 3: Brief presentation on more detailed data bases (GTAP-Power, GTAP-Water) and option to dis-aggregate the GTAP data base further
- Peters, J. C. (2016). The GTAP-power data base: Disaggregating the electricity sector in the GTAP data base. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(1), 209-250
- Haqiqi, I., Taheripour, F., Liu, J., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2016). Introducing irrigation water into GTAP data base version 9. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(2), 116-155
- Britz, W. (2021): Comparing Penalty Functions in Balancing and Dis-aggregating Social Accounting Matrices, Journal of Global Economic Analysis 6(1): 34-81
Day 2: Production function
Stud 4: Overview on production function nestings in different CGE models (GTAP Standard, MIRAGE, GLOBE) and GTAP variants (GTAP-E, GTAP-AGR)
- Corong, E. L., Hertel, T. W., McDougall, R., Tsigas, M. E., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2017). The standard GTAP model, version 7. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 2(1), 1-119
- McDoland, S., and Thierfelder K.: Globe v2: A SAM Based Global CGE Model using GTAP Data
- Decreux, Y. and Valin. H (2007): MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis. Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics
- Keeney, R., and Hertel, T. (2005). GTAP-AGR: A framework for assessing the implications of multilateral changes in agricultural policies. GTAP Technical Papers, 25
- Burniaux, J. M., and Truong, T. P. (2002). GTAP-E: an energy-environmental version of the GTAP model. GTAP Technical Papers, 18
Stud 5: Brief overview on GTAP-AEZ
- Lee, H. L., Hertel, T. W., and Rose, S. (2009). An integrated global land use database for CGE analysis of climate policy options. In Economic analysis of land use in global climate change policy (pp. 92-108). Routledge
- Taheripour, F., Zhao, X., Horridge, M., Farrokhi, F., and Tyner, W. (2020). Land Use in Computable General Equilibrium Models. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5(2), 63-109
Day 3: Trade
Stud 6: Comparison of the implementation of the Armington approach in different CGE models (GTAP Standard, MIRAGE, GLOBE)
- Corong, E. L., Hertel, T. W., McDougall, R., Tsigas, M. E., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2017). The standard GTAP model, version 7. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 2(1), 1-119
- McDoland, S., and Thierfelder K.: Globe v2: A SAM Based Global CGE Model using GTAP Data
- Decreux, Y. and Valin. H (2007): MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis. Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics
Stud 7: Integrating tariff line detail in CGE models, modelling TRQs
- Jafari, Y., Himics, M., Britz, W., Beckman, J. (2021): It is all in the details: A bilateral approach for modelling trade agreements at the tariff line, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(3): 415-442
- Chepeliev, M., Golub, A., Hertel, T., Saeed, W., and Beckman, J. (2021). Disaggregating the Vegetables, Fruits and Nuts Sector to the Tariff Line in the GTAP-HS Framework. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 6(1), 82-127
- Pelikan, J., Horridge, M., and Mustakinov, D. (2020). TASTE for GTAP 10: A Tariff Analytical and Simulation Tool for Economists
Day 4: Trade (cntd)
Stud 8: Approaches to deal with the "small shares stay small problem" of the CES/CET functional forms: CES with commitment terms
- Decreux, Y. and Valin. H (2007): MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis. Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics
- Kuiper, M. H., & van Tongeren, F. W. (2007). Using gravity to move Armington-an empirical approach to the small initial trade share problem in general equilibrium models
- Witzke, P., Adenaeuer, M., Britz, W., & Heckelei, T. (2005, June). Modeling EU Sugar Market Scenarios with a Modified Armington Approach. In International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Symposium, Seville, Spain, June (pp. 19-21)
Stud 9: Approaches to deal with the "small shares stay small problem" of the CES/CET functional forms: Spatial Arbitrage
- Anania, G. (2010). EU Economic Partnership Agreements and WTO negotiations. A quantitative assessment of trade preference granting and erosion in the banana market. Food Policy, 35(2), 140-153
- Wieck, C., Schlueter, S. W., and Britz, W. (2012). Assessment of the impact of avian influenza-related regulatory policies on poultry meat trade and welfare. The World Economy, 35(8), 1037-1052
- Lofgren, H., and Robinson, S. (2002). Spatial-network, general-equilibrium model with a stylized application. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 32(5), 651-671
Stud 10: An overview on the Melitz model in CGE models
- Akgul, Z., Villoria, N. B., and Hertel, T. W. (2016). GTAP-HET: Introducing firm heterogeneity into the GTAP model. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(1), 111-180
- Dixon, P. B., Jerie, M., and Rimmer, M. T. (2019). Melitz in GTAP Made Easy: the A2M Conversion Method and Result Interpretation. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 4(1), 97-127
- Jafari, Y., Britz, W. (2018): Modelling heterogeneous firms and non-tariff measures in free trade agreements using Computable General Equilibrium, Economic Modelling 73: 279-294
- Jafari, Y., Britz, W., Beckman, J. (2019): The impacts to food consumers of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Bio-based and Appplied Economics,7(2): 139-160.
Day 5: Final demand
Stud 11: Comparison of widely used functional forms in final demand in CGE modelling (MAIDADS, CES, LES, CD, CDE)
- Jafari, Y., Britz, W., Beckman, J. (2019): The impacts to food consumers of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Bio-based and Applied Economics 7(2): 139-160
- Ho, M., Britz, W., Delzeit, R., Leblanc, F., Roson, R., Schuenemann, F., Weitzel, M. (2020): Modelling Consumption and Constructing Long-Term Baselines in Final Demand, Journal of Global Economic Analysis 5(1): 63-80
- Britz, W. (2021): Estimating a global MAIDADS demand system considering demography, climate and norms, Bio-based and Applied Economics, in: online available 19 July 2021
- Wilcoxen P.J. (2003): Quick Reference Guide to Common Functional Forms
Stud 12: Use of CES-subnests in final demand