Recursive-dynamic multi-regional CGE modelling

Group Work

Rules and hints for group work

  • Study the instructions of your specific group work carefully (which files to use etc.) before you start
  • Adress instructors if something is not clear or you need technical support
  • Make a time plan when starting, considering that a polished presentation has to be ready at the end
  • Consider multiple small breaks
  • Think about an appropriate labour division in your team
  • Stay polite, calm and focused even under time pressure

Aims of group presentations

  • Share the insights from your group work with the other students
  • Allow a comparison of your group work results with the others
  • Foster your presentation skills
  • Share responsability for teaching and the success of the course with the instructors

Presenting your group work results

  • Prepare a 20 minutes presentation using the provided slide templates. Make sure that you stick to the 20 minutes
  • Please think about possible questions beforehand which might be asked after your presentation and prepare for them
  • Consider switching presenters to give all group members a chance to contribute
  • Consider tables / graphics / flow charts besides text
  • Tables should only comprise numbers and graphs elements which are discussed by the presenter
  • Round numbers to an appropriate number of digits
  • Consider that you report scientific findings and that you address fellow scientists. Choose your wording, slide layout etc. accordingly
  • Try to develop a logical flow which links the shock to a sequence of changes in key variables, considering the model structure
  • Concentrate on relevant changes. Not every large relative change is worth mentioning.
  • Consider model uncertaintities and limitations when discussing outcomes
  • The slides shall support your talk, not distract your audience from it
  • Put slide numbers on

The slides will be made available via the web-page to all participants.

Questions and feedback on group work results

  • Take notes for questions / feedback during the presentation, refer to slide numbers
  • Stay polite when asking questions and giving feedback
  • Ask concise questions, don't give your own talk on the subject instead
  • Give feedback which helps the presenters to improve their presentation skills
  • Don't forget the positives when giving feedback
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