Prof. Dr. Thomas Heckelei
Professor for Economic and Agricultural Policy
I am responsible for leading and managing the chair's research and teaching efforts.
About me
I received my doctoral degree in Agricultural Economics from Washington State University in 1995 and my degree of habilitation from Bonn University in 2002. After a short assistant professor period at Washington State University I joined the University of Bonn as full professor in the summer of 2003. My research focuses on the quantitative analysis of agri-environmental and trade policies. Methodologically, a significant part of my contributions draw the connection betwenn economic simulation models and empirical approaches. Bayesian econometric tools receive considerable attention in my work on the empirical parameterization of economic models.
Affiliation (Institute for Food and Resource Economics (ILR), University of Bonn)
Research interests
Analysis of agricultural and environmental policies
Agricultural sector and trade modelling
Bayesian and applied econometrics
2002: Habilitation, University of Bonn
1995: Ph.D. Agricultural Economics and Economics at Washington State University,
1991: "Diplom" in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at University of Bonn
1990: Masters of Arts in Agricultural Economics at Washington State University,
2003 – today: Professor for Economic and Agricultural Policy, Institute for Food and
Resource Economics (ILR), University of Bonn
2020 – 2023: Dean for the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn
2002 – 2003: Assistant professor at the IMPACT Center / Department of Agricultural
and Resource Economics, Washington State University,
1995 – 2001: Assistant professor (“Hochschulassistent”) Institute for Agricultural
Policy, Market Research, and Economic Sociology, University of Bonn
Ökonomie III (Teilbereich Wirtschaftspolitik)
Current courses in master program:
Advanced Applied Econometrics
Special Project in Agricultural and Development Policy
Current courses in doctoral program:
Machine learning in applied economics
Previously taught:
WiSo I - Politik und Märkte der Ernährungswirtschaft: Teilbereich Politik
(University of Bonn)
Nutzpflanzen, Nutztiere und ihre ökonomische Bedeutung: Teilbereich Ökonomie
(University of Bonn)
Angewandte Mikroökonomik „Neoklassik“ (University of Bonn)
Microeconomics (University of Bonn)
Policy Analysis Seminar (University of Bonn)
Applied Trade Theory and Policy (University of Bonn)
European and International Agricultural Policy (University of Bonn)
Research Seminar in Agricultural and Development Policy (University of Bonn)
Advanced Applied Econometrics: doctoral program version
Publishing and Writing in Agricultural Economics (doctoral program)
Introduction to Econometrics (Washington State University)
Quantitative Methods in Ag-Business (Washington State University)
Cao, Nguyen Que An: Market expectations, public information and uncertainty
resolution in agricultural commodity and equity markets, 2023
Marton, Tibor András: Dynamics of adjustment in agriculture – Essays on dairy
productivity, dairy quota system and sustainable corn production, 2023
Agyei-Sasu, Felix: Structural transformation and labour market development in
Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Nigeria, 2023
Shang, Linmei: Technology adoption and upscaling of detailed
farm-level models, 2023
Gerullis, Maria Katharina: The governance of plant breeding - a social-ecological systems perspective, 2022
Latka, Catharina: Agri-food policies and Sustainable Development Goals –
Quantitative food system analyses, 2022
Eggemann, Lea: An environmental and economic assessment of a novel Power-
to-Fuel system for biogas plants, 2021
Tabe-Ojong, Martin Paul Jr: Aspiration, shocks and rural poverty, 2021
Chang, Chiao-Ya: Impacts of the expansion of aquaculture on global agricultural
markets and land use change, 2021
Schröder, Lilli Aline: Quantitative modelling of the Rural Development Programs of
the Common Agricultural Policy - EU-wide and region-specific effects, 2020
Amrouk, El Mamoun: Price dynamics and interaction of international cash crop and
staple food markets, 2020
Gebrekidan, Bisrat Haile: Modelling the dynamics of land use & intensification in the
Kilombero Valley, Tanzania, 2020
Götze, Franziska: Demand for organic food in Switzerland, 2019
Khalili, Hamed: Spatial competition of learning agents in agricultural procurement markets, 2019
Bassey, Nkoyo Etim: Post-harvest losses in Sub-Saharan Africa – measurement concepts and economic assessment of reduction strategies, 2018
Zhang, Yinan: Conceptualising and estimating rationalised agricultural
optimisation models, 2018
Zavelberg, Yvonne: Imperfect competition in an oligopsonistic setting - A study on
the German raw milk market, 2016
Rasch, Sebastian: Resilience, collapse and reorganization of a rangeland socio-
ecological system in South Africa, 2016
Huseynov, Rashad: Welfare and Economy-Wide Effects of Azerbaijan’s Accession
to the World Trade Organization: A Quantitative Assessment, 2015
Grosche, Stephanie: Price effects from the financialization of agricultural commodity
markets, 2015
Storm, Hugo: Methods of analysis and empirical evidence of farm structural
change, 2014
Kempen, Markus: EU wide analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy using
spatially disaggregated data, 2013
Götz, Christian: Economic incentives of the WTO dispute settlement system
with an empirical focus on the agro-food sector, 2012
Zimmermann, Andrea: Empirical analysis of farm structural change at EU level, 2012
Annen, Dominic N.: Farm Animal Welfare: Measurement and Compliance, 2012
Schlüter, Simon W.: Impact of regulatory measures on international trade in meat
products, 2012
Adenäuer, Lucie: Foreign Direct Investment in the Agribusiness Sector, 2011
Becker, Arno: Impact of European bioful policies on global bioful and
agricultural markets, 2011
Doerr, Rainer: Agrarpolitische Willensbildung in Deutschland in der Europäischen Union und auf internationaler Ebene, 2009
Heidecke, Claudia: Economic analysis of water use and management in the Middle
Drâa valley of Morocco, 2009
Gocht, Alexander: Methods in Economic Farm Modelling, 2009
Junker, Franziska: Trade liberalisation between the EU and the Mercosur
countries: An economic assessment for the case of beef, 2009
Gruber, Ina: The Impact of Socio-Economic Development and Climate Change on Livestock Management in Benin, 2008
Jansson, Torbjoern: Econometric specification of constrained
optimization models, 2007
Adenäuer, Marcel: Modelling the European Sugar Sector - Incentives to Supply
Sugar Beets and Analysis of Reform Options, 2006
Wieck, Christine: Development of Marginal Cost Distributions in Dairy Production
Regions of the EU, 2005
Bauer, Kai: EU-Enlargement: Perspectives for Agriculture and Rural Areas
in Major Accession Countries, 2005
Bilame, Odass: Performance and Prospects of Agriculture during Structural
Adjustment Programmes in Tanzania, 2003
- Agricultural Economics
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Environmental Modelling & Software
- European Journal of Operational Research
- European Research Council (ERC)
- European Review of Agricultural Economics
- Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Land Economics
- Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
- Nature Food
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF)
- Stipend of the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (DFG, German Research
Foundation) in support of research on Positive Mathematical Programming
models: September 2000 – August 2001 - Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for participation in the Ph.D.-Program at Washington State University, 1992/1993
- Outstanding graduation award for best Diplom in Agricultural Economics at the
University of Bonn, Spring 1991 - Exchange scholarship between Washington State University and University of Bonn, (Fall 1989 and Spring 1990)
- Award for excellence in teaching, Agricultural Faculty at the University of Bonn, 2013
- Award for excellence in teaching, University of Bonn, 2015
- Board member of the International Agricultural Trade Research Council
(IATRC, 2007 – 2009) - Chair of the Taiwanese-German Association for Economic and Social Research since 2007
- Editor of the European Review of Agricultural Economics (until December 2011)
- American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
- European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
- German Association of Agricultural Economists (GeWiSoLa)
- Vice dean for research and young researchers, Agricultural Faculty of the University of Bonn (2013 – 2016)
- Chair of the EAAEP Foundation since 2012
- German Science Foundation (DFG), field committee member 'Fachkollegiat’,
April 2016 to March 2020
Projects/Third-Party Funding

PhenoRob – Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
since 2018

BATModel - Better Agri-food Trade Modelling for Policy Analysis
since 2020
European Union

CRC228: Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation
Since 2018