Past collaborators

We are very thankful for all that has been done by our collaborators. A key component of our group`s development is interdisciplinary and collaborative work only possible with active and cordial teamwork.


Avatar Schwibinger

Rebecca Schwibinger

Collaboration on the Mensa Pluss pre-proposal
Avatar Qorbaniazar

Hossein Qorbaniazar

Collaboration on the supermarket Scoping Review
Avatar Kavukcu

Mehmet Emir Kavukcu

Collaboration on the supermarket Scoping Review and the follow up project
Avatar Bogen

Lucie Bogen

Collaboration on the Supermarket project and Behavioural nutrition project

Student researchers and their Thesis

Teresa Peters

Reducing meat consumption: Investigating gender differences in effectiveness and acceptance of a default nudge in a canteen setting


MSc ELW: This study examines how gender affects the acceptance and effectiveness of a reduced meat
portion size as a default nudge in a canteen setting. The described default nudge to reduce meat consumption in women and men can be very effective and accepted.



Nicole Angelina Mantel

Forms of Sugar taxes on sugary drinks: A Comparison Between various Countries and Cities worldwide


BSc. ELW: to evaluate the current state of knowledge regarding the various excise taxes on sugary drinks and compare them in terms of consumer behaviour change, focusing on behaviour change in different income groups. France, the United Kingdom and South Africa, as well as the cities of Philadelphia and Berkeley, were selected due to different forms of sugar and beverage taxes.



Nuria Klemichen

Analysis of consumer heterogeneity regarding attention nudges in food selection


BSc. ELW: The effect of attention-leading nudges on different consumer groups. Does the effect of a nudge on the attention paid to CO2 information vary across heterogeneous consumer subgroups? Moreover, can attention to CO2 information be predicted by those factors? 



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